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10/20/09 6:18 AM

#19207 RE: skidstreet #19206

Unless you are capable of critical thought, a skillful liar can deceive you without your even knowing it. Observe the master in action...

My favorite BHO lies…

“This bill will not add one dime to the deficit” – which really means they intend to tax the hell out of everything and everyone as necessary to pay for it, including cutting $500B from Medicare, and rationing/denying care to the elderly based on QALY (i.e. death panels, since “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”), because they have no idea what the real long term costs will be, but we just need to “do it” anyway.

“If you like your current healthcare, you can keep it” – which really means *if* your employer doesn’t cancel your current plan, pay the penalty, and dump you into the Government plan and/or you are willing to continue to pay the higher Government-imposed fees for it.

“If you make less than $250K (or $200K, or $150K, or whatever because the number keeps shrinking), your taxes will not increase” – which really means that even though he *might* not raise your *income* taxes (until he is “forced” to by the burgeoning debt he has run up), the price of most other things you pay for will increase drastically (healthcare, gasoline, heating oil, natural gas, electricity, basically anything that requires energy to produce and bring to market), but those technically are not “taxes”.

“Illegal aliens are not covered under this plan” – Well, I am not sure what an “illegal alien” is, since the preferred term seems to be “undocumented Democrat”. However, neither does the plan say they *must* be denied treatment, so when they show up in emergency rooms with GSWs or whatever, do you think they will be turned away? Our Constitution provides for equal treatment under the law (due process) for *persons*, irrespective of citizenship status, so whether or not they are “allowed” to buy insurance under the plan is a canard (and probably not such a bad idea, since they will be receiving treatment anyway). In any regard, when they are all granted amnesty, there will be no “illegals”, so problem solved.