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10/18/09 10:18 PM

#172980 RE: fuagf #172967

fuagf I've done a lot of research and honestly the best place that is all brought together is there where I wrote it, and other places I've written parts of the same thing. Never all at one time in such detail though.

I urge you to read the whole thing if you are really interested in more than supporting one side or the other. I promise you I have researched all this for hundreds of hours plus I was following the whole war on energy and fuel for over a decade.

You know the fuel prices went up right? You know that hurt the economy, don't you? You know that with that jolt the mortgage backed securities started to fall right? That lead to banks collateral being unstable and banks failing and getting close to failure because they have to keep a minimum % balance or they are what is termed insolvent. This was what created the credit problem and that caused big problems in business because many businesses depend on credit for day to day operations, so people got laid off and it snowballed.

There is no way I can make you understand all at once I guess. You have to have a deep understanding of the system and the relationships intertwined in the economy.

I am a Realtor and I have actually originated loans as well as done a lot of creative financing, which does mean much except it gives you a feel and understanding. I've also studied these issues in depth since Clinton was elected while I was in the Military.

If you really want to understand all this, take my post apart, look things up on the internet and research them. Not so much opinion as to who did what that caused what, but on the particular situations I speak of.

You can see who ran fannie and freddy, see who tried to regulate them, and who defended them.

You can see who stopped energy projects except for solar and wind which are not economical enough to help the economy.

I'm thinking now, and I had not realized, that if I had not been dealing with all this for so long, I might look at what I wrote and wonder what the hell I was talking about also.

Ask me any questions you want.

I've actually been hammering on Glen Beck to check out the fuel and energy part of this whole puzzle. To see how it fits. To put together who stopped the obtainment of economical energy, who pushed up the price of crude, and who is connected to all of it. They are all backers of the democrats. Which makes sense because a situation like that, timed like that will only help the democrats and hurt republicans. Glen has not put all this together yet. I think he's focusing more on who the people around Obama are and their pasts and what they are working to do now. There is so much going on it's crazy.

I don't even think all the democrats have a real good idea what all is going on, but some do, and the pressure on the others to go along is intense and many of them really don't know the big picture about what is going on all the time, well most of them.

If you really want to know what is going on you will investigate it. That is how I came across all this and put it together. You will have to follow literally hundreds of links to get it all, or maybe since it's all laid out for you, not as many as I did.

If you do find mistakes let me know. I will probably suspect partisanship as you probably do because I've looked hard and deep, but I really want to know so I'll check out anything you say is flawed.

I really hope you are serious about wanting to know. I wish we all were.