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Santa Barbara Broker

10/18/09 8:43 PM

#39118 RE: wattamarune #39116

An OVOE post that is 100% fictional. Nothing new, but just for the record....

" yet another indicator of the scam collaboration between OVOE & MTNL, etc, blah, etc,."

No one to my knowledge and certainly not myself has ever indicated on this board or any other that there is a "scam collaboration between OVOE and MTNL". I am certain there is absolutely none and have explained why several times. OVOE sets up deals that are "profit share" in nature. They hire front runners (Tata, Mantec, Jacobo Kayolan) with inside connections to find companies that will entertain these profit sharing deals. Then OVOE uses shareholder money to fund the entire set-up and testing and uses the PRs generated from the relationship with a blue chip name to provide an "up" market for their toxic funders to dump converted shares into. Nothing devious or "scam" oriented about it at all, as long as you aren't an OVOE shareholder of course. OVOE gets publicity and continues to have happy toxic offshore outlets to sell their common share bundles of convertible debentures to. MTNL gets a cut of whatever action is generated that costs them little more to set up than perhaps a tax deductible ad campaign and some salaried tech hours. Nothing insideous or scamlike about that at all. In fact MTNL, like the few other past MV email customers of OVOE, will make out whether MV email fails or not. It's the OVOE shareholders, IMHO, that are being scammed, not any of OVOE's customers.

"...The fact that the available services would not be known by 99.9% of the customers until the marketing launch, that began on 7/31/09, is not an issue to the imho scam spotter."

Except that the service was available for purchase through OVOE's website on or about May 22, 2009 according to Dean Weber and was being advertised soon after that much in the same way some of it is now; through targeted emails and online publications. When these emailings were first announced (in June if memory serves) posters hailed them as stone cold proof the service campaign was underway. Somewhat later it was reported that Dell reps in India on call to help Americans fix their computers were conversing in their spare time about how much of the population of India now knew about OVOE's MV email (presumably because of this initial emailing campaign) and found it to be wonderful. Now, after it has become probable the sub take is not going as well as expected, "99% of MTNL's customers" suddenly didn't know about the services before July 31st despite this massive email advertising blitz that even the Dell reps were aware of???? Another case of convenience bourne amnesia perhaps?

"...The fact that MTNL expects 300k to sign on in its first YEAR & gave no indication (& why would they) what the expectation would be after 2 months..."

Well let's see, why would they, indeed? If MTNL says there will be 300K subs the first year and there is 12 months in a year that would be an average of 25K subs per month signing on at that minimum projection. And if they were running a huge ad blitz during two months of that projection, one might be inclined to believe there might be a few more signing onto the front end. But, why would they need to announce how many would be estimated to have signed up after two months? They didn't for anyone who can divide 300 by 12, lol.

"...Telmex did not allow Telnor to die a slow death. Telmex decided to go with the whole OVOE enchilada instead of email read only. It is anticipated to RE-launch in '09..."

No, Telmex did NOT allow Telnor to "die a slow death". They merged with Telnor and allowed MV email to die a slow death, IMHO. Unless of course you still believe that a project that was started in 2006 and has yet to have a single statement of earned revenues issued or an 8K filed around it is still "alive" at Telmex. And alive simply because there has been a quarterly re-occurring phrase of one sort or another about "anticipating" something concerning "MV email" to happen with Telmex included in every 10Q since the "anticipated launch" statements were first started in 2007. Telmex has NOT "decided to go with the whole OVOE enchilada instead of email only" if by that it is meant Telmex plans to launch the full suite of MV services throughout their 19M sub network. That is a bald-faced lie. No such statement has ever been issued by OVOE or Telmex backing that statement. It is total hearsay from posted material with no supporting evidence whatsoever. Statements have been issued in 10Qs that the company is "working with Telnor (meaning the very limited original sub base of Telnors prior to the merger) to relaunch IRIS as a standard bundle included with all new and existing TELNOR Package customers.." and that this launch is "anticipated for 2009". It is stated by the company that only AFTER this "anticipated relaunch" is evaluated by Telmex will there be any possibility of a launch by Telmex to it's 19M subs. This can be documented in the 2Q 10Q SEC document, Sec F-26, Pg 1 at the very bottom:

As far as what concerning OVOE is "gibberish" and "checking for accuracy on OVOE boards", I agree. Check everything. That is why my OVOE facts are backed with links for verification and my OVOE opinions are stated as such rather than just pulling OVOE hearsay from out of the air and publishing it as an attack prevarication or misleading "fact". IMHO.