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10/17/09 11:53 AM

#453536 RE: knei #453505

OK, we're all against waste and corruption at the Pentagon. 100% of Americans will say that waste and corruption are bad. Pointing out a particularly egregious porkmeister in Congress with power at the committee level and a handful of his particularly egregious examples of waste and corruption is like the Little Dutch Boy trying to hold back the force of he ocean.

In this analogy the force of the ocean is the INHERENT corruption of the Democratic and Republican parties. There is no possible reform when the INDIVIDUALS and the SYSTEM are permeated from top to bottom by the worst sort of corruption. In another analogy it's like a house built with Chinese drywall. You can't just patch it up here and there as it rots, crumbles and sickens your family. You need to gut the house to the wood framing and HOPE that's not compromised too severely to be salvaged (the Judicial Branch?)

98-99.99% of what I hear from the media and the ranting and raving on this message board is utter and pure PARTISANSHIP pointing the finger back and forth while the crooks shovel trillions into wheelbarrows and walk away with the wealth of our nation right through the front door. If you're a part of the .01-2% of the people who can make it over the hump of the distraction of partisanship and recognize the thievery for what it is I apologize for missing that from your post.