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10/14/09 8:29 PM

#38294 RE: Makamai #38290

we saw how fast we bounced at EOD. this tells me a few things: the price action was pretty manipulated during most of the day (ask-stacking and bid-tapping), then by the time it was all over HDSN and AUTO were pretty much out of the way. funny how close we came to even on the day, with very little volume on the ask. ;-)

this tells me we're probably a lot closer to these deals being finished than most would believe. why? i have yet to see a major run that didn't start with some huge shakeout. no, it's not pretty, and it's not fun, but it seems like an inevitable chapter in any story stock. jmho.


10/15/09 5:05 AM

#38340 RE: Makamai #38290

I agee, Being involved with this type of business for many years I read the time frames Dean was projecting on the acquisitions and I knew right up front that his time frame was too aggressive. I did my DD thoroughly and I mean thoroughly and i invested anyway because of the DD checking out and the potential of the light weight composite material wave that is going to dominate the engineering for years to come.

The big buzz in areospace technology is using light weight composites to lighten aircraft.

I have a friend who helped me with the fundamental DD on this company and he is in the business in a very big way and when he saw who Dean had involved in this company he was blown away. He saw James Ray was on board.

He ran down to me all the plans the industry has using light weight composites to strengthen and lighten the materials used. He said it is absolutley huge going forward. He said the goal with the commercial airlines is to reduce fuel consumption by 40% over the next 10 years. He said it is not just the exterior skin that will be re-engineered but all the parts of the plane. He said makes it much safer in case of impact. Sort of like riding in a football helmet instead of a campbells soup can.

We talked on the phone for over two hours and I was jut blown by the future of this. This company is on the cutting edge of this technology with James Ray on board and my friend knew it. He is very wealthy, knowledgeable and now is a very happy owner of this stock. This is why I believe it is a great buyout target moving forward and so does he.

The flight schools albiet very profitable are not the real story here folks. Like i said do your deep DD and you will discover they have plans you can not imagine. trust me they do not have the caliber of james Ray involved for nothing here. James ray is very well known and respected in the industry according to my friend (Wayne). I am willing to bet he did not come out of retirement to work with some little bodunk company. His knowledge, expertise and reputation is sought after by many in this areospace sector and guess what we have him.


