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10/14/09 7:10 PM

#175341 RE: LC-GATOR #175339

I believe that I am one of the few readers of this board who has actually purchased an EI product. I have seen the quality. I experienced the great service. Almost every man who I've told about the MLB products, thinks it's sheer genius.

And yet, I vote for #3 on your list.

I believe that Clint and Co had a brilliant idea. I believe that they tried hard to get the start-up off and running. I believe that went the unfortunate route of toxic financing. I believe they ran into the recession. I believe the uplist took longer than they anticipated.


There comes a point in potty training where the little tyke realizes he needs to poopola or get off of the pot.

Shareholder confidence, as reflected by freefall PPS, has been compromised. EI has gone to trade show twice. TWICE. Based on the company's reporting of product sold to date, all of the cards collected just didn't translate to sales. Yes, David in overseas. However, in the current economic environment, could there not be a Temp hired who clearly understands he/she is out when our soldier comes home? Unless that person had set sales on fire, creating the need for 2 positions. And isn't there supposedly a sales team from our distibutors?

Clint has to know he's grossly disapointed most all investors. To me, making a Grand gesture at this point would really restore my sense of his integrity. Reduce the car allowances. Period. The company is his baby. And it is having growing pains. Show the people who believed in you what you are made of.

As EI tries for this elusive LOC, the plummeting share price can't be a positive thing. There is simply a point where a bloated company, however good in theory, just can't get off of the ground.

And I'm really sorry to be saying this. Because I'm down 60k. And you're right, Basser, according to the IRS it's not a "loss" until I sell. But reality is Mark it to the Market. When I recently presented my fins to my banker, he didn't increase my LOC based on the "potential" of my 2 year ago investment.
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RJ Trotts

10/15/09 11:08 AM

#175352 RE: LC-GATOR #175339

I am going with #5. Lets face it, mgmt has been dealing with this since June 2008 it appears. The VLC would be a nice beginning. Just to show mgmt can re-new their licenses. Holding onto the ones they have gotten in the past would be a great PR for sure. Here's to hoping we see an announcement about this VLC and all other liceneses. Also I am pumped about seeing who the next 2 licenses are with? Best of luck to you LC and all others here. We are all here for the simple reason, we want to make money off of our investments.