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Fred Langford

10/10/04 11:57 AM

#307913 RE: Bearmove #307912

Folks always looking for the 'next big thig' need to put some NANOTECH in their ports, imo...
I like VECO and TINY

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TJ Parker

10/10/04 12:44 PM

#307920 RE: Bearmove #307912

re quantum dots

"Evident's dots aren't quite ready for such a cutting-edge use as to be planted in cancer cells. But that's in the works. The dots would tag a tiny cell so scientists with strong microscopes could track a single cancer cell and perhaps solve some of the mysteries of cancer."

for an article geared to getting folks stirred up about the possibilities, the ones they talk about are pretty mundane. (apparently all viewed through what the company evident can do.) and no pictures!!

nevertheless, the tracking of cancer cells in vivo was already announced last month

and evident is overstating their case: sandia did a white light device as well, over a year ago, i think ... and probably others.

if the only thing that came out of quantum dot research was better light bulbs and visualization, it would be good but surprising. to computer folk, at least, the possibilities are like those of moving from vacuum tubes to photolithography ...

e.q. quantum mirage
qubit superposition