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10/14/09 1:17 PM

#2716 RE: VR-Strategy_Advisor #2714

Was the financer at the meeting?
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10/14/09 2:21 PM

#2723 RE: VR-Strategy_Advisor #2714

I may be wrong and personnally I hope I am, for the long term holders here. I am going to quote some of your reply and respond

"""IPWG is not a shady or dirty company. One of Mr. Benvengo's hugest points at the meeting was that IPWG would now have their books completely open to it's shareholders. You didn't know that, so you're going by past irrelevent info."""

If they are not, even with the problems with Knight and anybody else in their claims trying to cause them harm, they STILL can report and should have had their books open to THEIR stock holder all along, that is what PUBLIC companies do! and Why have they not filed any law suites, if this problem has been going on for a long time...

"""Also, this stock is shorted at least 150 million shares, Mr. Toscano said it could be as high as 250 million shares and that up to 40 brokerages are involved. If you don't believe me call IPWG yourself, they are completely open to all shareholders and welcome all inquiries. This was also stated at the meeting."""

if there are 150mil short from hell even from .25 staying short sub penny makes no sense at all.. the RISK far out weighs the reward and ANYONES book!! As far as calling IPWG, I have, but until there are legal documents/fillings stating their claims they can PR anything they want. I can send you links to 100's of PR's from companies that is nothing but BS.(Sykes make a futune on these kind of companies) Hell I can pay a hooker to say to me anything I want to hear (bad example but, you get the idea).

""""When the PR of the meeting is released and the DTCC lifts the wrongful chill(followed probably by another PR), then you will see IPWG in orbit. Sell 3/4 of your stock if you want too, I wouldn't. I doubt you will either"""

I hope it does go into orbit, as I will still have free shares and have already booked a profit.. And YES I will sell 3/4 on a pop, I would rather have a 50% profit vs 100% loss, IF IPWG turns out to be real, have financing, clean their books, get a better rating then shady, there will be PLENTY of other buying op's along the way to the moon..

""""In addition, the financer that sits on the board of IPWG has OVER 5 billion dollars available. That's exactly what Mr. Benvengo said, not 5 billion dollars, OVER 5 Billion dollars. Over, that's the key word for whomever made the comment on remembering someone stating IPWG has a financer with an endless bank account. I think you know that someone was me and the sky's the limit on this one. Over 5 billion is not 5 billion, it's more. Also, it was the only number in the meeting that John was not specific about. IMO, OVER to me, means, endless bank account, and one that's about to grow tremendously from IPWG""""

Their PR says UP TO $375 Mil, NOT $5 Bil, I would find it had to believe ANY INVESTOR would risk all their capital in any one company. PLUS there is a 45 day DD period.Still plenty of time to change again till there are real docs, it is ONLY PR.. Speaking of the this Private Equity financing who is ifi Srl and can't find any info on him with IPWG outside of the US PR releases, and his lawyer?? Got a link??

As far as the chill, there are people with a LOT MORE INFO then we have access to who put the chill on!!!

As far as being on the board, I have seen shell pinkies, PR bought patents/drugs/companies from other shell companies and board memebers be one both,and both being worthless and have seen the SEC shut them down..

Again I am not trying to bash you or ipwg, but with any info that is public and recorded, everything is pure speculation and PR.. I will be happy to look at ANY DD or docs that is outside of a news wire press release.. Just kinda funny, you have "Green Energy" on fire everywhere, DJI just hit 10k and ipwg is bleeding on what should have been a great day.. there are still plenty of brokers allowing trade!!!!

Thanks again for the play by play..

feel free to prove me wrong, just show me the DD