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10/13/09 8:53 PM

#250 RE: *~1Best~* #212

Bin Laden - Bernanke - Goldman financial terrorists, etc.

What are the differences between Bin Laden vs Bernanke/financial terrorists?

They are all killers - physically, mentally, financially - but Bernanke/financial terrorists are satanic as their methods are deceptive as in Genesis 3 and Matthew 4.



The Holy One, blessed is He, does not view things as we do.

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts."
(Isaiah 55:8-9)

During this moment of national catastrophe, many are confused
and in pain. And the catastrophe is understood in terms of its
immediate effect on us. The religious element is seen in terms
of fanaticism, the fanaticism of Arabs--the House of Ishmael--
versus our "enlightened humanistic Christian culture." We do
not wish to see ourselves as a modern Babylon, whose comfortable
way of life is bought at the expense of gross exploitation of
the poor of the world. So any idea that goes contrary to our
comfortable self image we will probably not readily accept.

Nevertheless, the God of the Bible is not the humanistic
god of our "enlightened" culture. The God of the Bible cannot be
so pigeonholed. We hear in the Media that the recent attack and
disaster is an attack "on our way of life," as though our way
of life does not need to be questioned. It is an axiom that
our way of life is good. But again, as the verses in Isaiah say,
our thoughts are not God's thoughts, nor are our ways those of
the Holy One. Yet we act as though our ways are God's ways.

"I have spread out my hands all the day
Unto a rebellious people that walketh in a way
that was not good,
After their own thoughts . . .

That say, Stand by Thyself,
Come not near unto me;
For I am holier than Thou!" (Isaiah 65:2&5)

I'm sure nearly everyone has heard the expression, "Holier
than Thou." How many know that in Isaiah's ironic way of
putting it, the people referred to are saying this to God?
"Stay away from us, Lord. We are holier than you! Our way
of life is not to be questioned!"

So, what are we to say, when we find implicated in the Torah
Code, that Osama Bin Laden is "Mekhabel-YY" (Terrorist of GOD)?
This comes up once in the range of Isaiah 46 thru 53, but it comes
up near the name of Bin Laden.

To further search the Code in this matter, I looked for
"Mekhabel-YY" at its lowest skips in the Five Books of the Torah.
It comes up three times at a skip less than 35: At a skip of
24 and twice at skips of 33. I then looked for a complete
spelling of "Osama Bin-Laden," which I found using these
was a 6.99% chance that this could show up in the Torah, but it
does at a skip of 20,516.

I then asked my computer to see if "Osama Bin-Laden" was
mathematically compact with "Mekhabel-YY" (in a close range,
relative to a common matrix) at the three lowest skips (of 24,
33 and 33) that I had found. It is compact to all three with
the follow matrices: 1865; 2564; 5128.

I looked up in Strong's the Hebrew for the number of the skip
of each Matrix, and this truly lends credence, in my mind, to
Sterling's Alphabetics:

1865--DEBOR: Freedom (from a root to move rapidly);
spontaneity of outflow; clear; liberty, pure.

2564--CHEMAR: Slime (-pit) as rising to the surface.

5128--NUA: Fugitive; scatter; to and fro; vagabond;
be gone away.

The verses in which "Mekhabel-YY" are encrypted are:

SKIP of 24: Leviticus 21:4-6
SKIP of 33: Leviticus 26:21-24
SKIP of 33: Numbers 26:19-22

The first has to do with wearing a beard and not shaving. A
holy man is not supposed to be clean shaven according to the
Torah. This was the custom of the heathen and Babylonians.
Shaving was considered a sign of "civilization" and Israel was to
separate from the godless idolatry of the nations. So the men
of Israel were to wear their beards. Orthodox Jews today wear
beards, as do the religious men of Islam.

The last (Numbers) has to do with numbering the tribes of
Israel. It is a section of the 2nd Census that later includes
the words: "To these shall the land be divided." (verse 53)

The middle, Leviticus 26:21-24 reads as follows:

"Then, if you walk contrary to Me, and are not willing to
obey Me, I will bring on you seven times more plagues,
according to your sins. I will also send wild beasts among
you, which shall rob you of your children, destroy your
livestock, and make you few in number; and your highways
shall be desolate. And if by these things you are not
reformed by Me, but walk contrary to Me, then I also will
walk contrary to you, and I will punish you yet seven times
for your sins."

Again, "Mekhabel-YY" (Terrorist of GOD) is encrypted at a
skip of 33 in the above verses. The verses go on to say,
however, if we still don't repent:

"And I will bring the sword against you that will execute
the vengeance of My covenant; . ." etc. (verse 25)

From all this I have some tentative conclusions: I think we
are being judged by the LORD. Just as the LORD used the ancient
king of Babylon to punish Israel, Bin-Laden is a Terrorist of
the LORD. The LORD's ways are not our ways and we are not
following His ways. Is He not now telling us to go forth from
modern Babylon? Unless we examine ourselves and begin a national
repentance, will we be punished 7 times for our sins? ("I will
send wild beasts among you"--What is causing the increased number
of shark attacks and black bears now attacking humans and eating
them? Is this just a beginning?)

The Alphabetics in this case indicate to me that the
"Mekhabel-YY" (Terrorist of GOD), in our land of LIBERTY,
begun by Puritans (PURE), is causing the SLIME to surface.
The one causing us to see this is a FUGITIVE, a VAGABOND who
among vagabonds who goes TO & FRO. We wish he would BE GONE.
And we wish the LORD would leave us alone, since our way of
life is not to be questioned. Dean.


10/13/09 10:49 PM

#255 RE: *~1Best~* #212

Obama murder for money >> 80,000 is the High Number of Troops Options in McChrystal's Request

(((~~ criminal wars for money, Obama as a puppet of fraudulent FED continuing wars for money. The soldiers will not fight in war when the country is profiting from murders. ~~)))

October 13, 2009 9:40 PM

Raddatz ABC's Martha Raddatz reports: Among three different troop options currently before the President and his national security team, General Stanley McChrystal, the commander of US forces in Afghanistan, as first reported here, favors the middle option, which recommends an increase of some 40,000 more troops. A source familiar with the document says that’s the minimum McChrystal believes is needed for a chance for success in Afghanistan.

Although the debate is really about the middle option, there is a much higher number included in the McChrystal options.

Other sources who have seen the request say the highest number of troops requested is 80,000.

These sources also say that they believe McChrystal’s bottom option has no "combat" troops but 10,000 that could be enablers or trainers. This is also considered the “high risk option.”

ABC News has also learned more about how the questions that the White House wants answered are being handled. It is not merely a discussion in the White House meetings.

The Pentagon is getting "R.F.I.s" request for information -- such as "what would counterterrorism heavy require?" In other words--what would it take to pull off these various other options they are talking terms of equipment and manpower.

Sources say McChrystal favors the middle option, and that McChrystal knows the high number is a ‘throw away' number, and is more than the U.S. could possibly support, either politically or with boots on the ground given how stretched the military is right now.

As one observer noted to us, “It is common for the military to give several options, but what McChrystal has done here is say, ‘you can be hung, shot or eat your vegetables.”


10/14/09 8:47 AM

#257 RE: *~1Best~* #212

Annual Bush helicopter jump ~ now it explains the reason for Reptilian behaviors.

Gold Century ~ the grand scam of the Fraudulent FED against the United States devaluing 97% of USD since 1913 and it's centennial anniversary in 2012.

The Bush traitor destroyed America -- I was deceived and defrauded by his scam using the financial terrorism since 2004 -- actually for decades.

Tape 2:10-3:50 / 9:37 Union Bank Fraud & Vietnam war (=911/Iraq)


10/14/09 4:59 PM

#260 RE: *~1Best~* #212

FED Wars & Econ: Annual Bush helicopter jump ~ now it explains the reason for Reptilian behaviors.

The grand scam of the Fraudulent FED against the United States devaluing 97% of USD since 1913 and it's centennial anniversary in 2012.

Wars and econ >>FOMC: Recovery Yes, But High Unemployment For Years

85,000 Iraqis killed from 2004 - 2008
Iraqi Government Report Based on Death Certificates Issued by Health Ministry

(((~~ The Fed and Bush should send their kids to wars to get killed, and slaughter them like they have
to multi-million Americans and other around the world.
Sooner or later, they will to eternal death for the murders and greed.~~)))

Tape 2:10-3:50 / 9:37 Union Bank Fraud & Vietnam war (=911/Iraq) <<<~~~Let all know about the Fed fraud.
We still have millions of Americans thinking the FED is a government entity!
Download it and email to your family, friends, and your groups.


When Americans are fighting over small issues, we will never get out of the mess.

If you truly concern and love the country, we need to focus on real issues which is our country is being destroyed and manipulated by the FED greed and power.

Also, you need to be able to tell those who are intentionally dividing Americans -- many are in disguise to manipulate; so, we need to be able to tell with whom we are talking to.

Of course, also, we need to keep in mind that Non-Americans want us to be destroyed.

So, in that case, since the GREED and POWER is using international power -- i.e. that is how they own 90% wealth around the world, we can say that they are also in the similar situation, i.e. foreigners who want to see America to fall.

I believe that the 912 movement is the answer as people is being educated about the Greedy FED own by foreigners manipulating the world. And they will continue to do so.

We still have millions of Americans and most of foreigners do not know the truth.


>> The Federal Reserve is not federal and it is not reserve. It is a coalition of independent banks and is not subordinate to the federal government. Federal Reserve System should be a "PRIVATE CORPORATION" as its stocks are owned by private investors.

It should be no big surprise to anyone who understands what the Fed is and isn't that their board rejected a request by U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for a public review of the central bank’s structure and governance.

The FED is disguised itself as if it is a US government entity, and millions of Americans are deceived!

No Wonder why Americans and the Nation is going bankrupted.
7 out 10 of the Fed is owned by non-US.

The top 10 owners of the Fed are:

1. The Rothschild Family - London
2. The Rothschild Family - Berlin
3. The Lazard brothers - Paris
4. Israel Seiff - Italy
5. Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany
6. The Warburgs - Amsterdam
7. The Warburgs - Hamburg
8. Lehman Brothers - NY
9. Goldman & Sachs - NY
10. The Rockefeller Family - NY

The federal Reserve bank of NY is owned by:

1. Chase-Manhattan (controlled by the Rockefeller Family) 32.3%
2. Citibank - 20.5%