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Jim Bishop

10/11/09 12:09 PM

#233746 RE: fanofpennies999 #233744

I don't think you'll see either in the very near future, these things usually take months, sometimes years.
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10/11/09 12:11 PM

#233749 RE: fanofpennies999 #233744

I vote for "B", Stoxmagic and No-BS PLZ, $SPNG and also the Saskatchewan Roughriders cause they are all GREEN or soon to be green AIMHO
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10/11/09 12:14 PM

#233754 RE: fanofpennies999 #233744

if it happens you'll read about it in the SEC complaint
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10/11/09 12:16 PM

#233756 RE: fanofpennies999 #233744

imho sec won't allow themselves to be embarrassed like that. i believe they have people who are cooperating with them and that they will make their case in due time. as far as "charges" are concerned, they don't happen over night. if anyboy dots their i's and crosses their t's right, it will be the sec imo. i would not be suprised if the justice dept is already involved or if charges eventually come from them as well. we'll just have to see. when i talked about sec investigations and halts months ago, people kept saying "it would have happened already" if it was going to happen, and i tried to explain that those things take time, because the do, and they did, and they happened. now, i predict charges will come from both sec and justice. will they come next week? or the next or this month or next month? who knows? but, i believe there is more to this than meets the eye and more than what sec has informed the public thus far, and i think it will all come to the light in time. this is just my opinion.
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10/11/09 12:24 PM

#233762 RE: fanofpennies999 #233744

arrests, if it comes to that are far down the road
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10/11/09 2:41 PM

#233878 RE: fanofpennies999 #233744

Exactly.. It much more likely that (b) is where we are heading or we would have seen charges by now. If serious
criminal activity was in fact going on, it would have been
acted on by the DOJ by now. That is certain.
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10/12/09 4:24 AM

#234245 RE: fanofpennies999 #233744

Ya, I remembering feeling that same way.

. . . am surprized with is that there have not yet been any
(a)announcements of charges or arrests or of accounts being thatseized or frozen.

It' pretty to think that way, as though the SEC et al knows what "they' doing."