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Sir Realist

07/19/02 4:13 PM

#5614 RE: name #5610

KRY GLDR HL HGMCY led gold today

Zeev Hed

07/19/02 4:34 PM

#5625 RE: name #5610

The sequence of the last two days is conducive to a black Monday, but these are quite rare, an up Monday is more likely (typically, when expiration week is down, the next week is initially. I went out at only 20% cash, shaking like an Autumn leaf, but quite confident that by the end of next week, today will be just a bad dream (g). The funny thing is that today, despite the relentless selling, did not hit that hard, even the JNJ fiasco ( a net loss of $4) got fully healed by the wins in ZRAN, IDPH, AMGN, CCMP and the Q. QCOM held like a champ and thus it should be able to reach that elusive target in the $32.5 to $34, maybe even another $5 on op of that. The darker it is out there, the more optimistic I become (g).
