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10/07/04 1:36 PM

#9615 RE: berg111 #9607

"a little rain falls"

Is that what you really characterize several years of misleading statements, false promises, failed opportunities and lack of due corporate structure as... a little rain?

The share price is irrelevant as long as it looks as if there is the opportunity to recover, but pray tell, what event exactly are you waiting upon that is going to send this higher?

Have you ever owned a stock before where you have to fight for every tenth of a cent but falls pennies on almost no volume? Why would you be afraid to short this if you were a hedge fund? The corporate structure alone shows this to not be a real company, not run by credible business people who can succeed. There is a reason other companies comply with being good corporate citizens and filing reports, creating transparency, keeping promises etc... its because thats what brings real investors.

Right now the only ones invested in Sunncomm are a bunch of rank speculators hoping to find a vein of gold in a mountain full of foolsgold and cow dung.

I foolishly believed our Grand Poobah and for that I blame myself, but that doesn't give him a pass on fixing the things that are wrong here and that other posters besides myself see... but anyone not singing the "We are the World" song in harmony is labeled a "basher"... I get it. Keep drinking the Koolaid.