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10/07/09 9:34 PM

#37548 RE: JD400 #37547

how much were you paid and by whom? :-) How do I get in on this deal?


10/07/09 10:57 PM

#37552 RE: JD400 #37547

"SMAS bringing pain-relief to are soldiers, who wouldn't want to support and be a part of that."

If this is occurring in a company let us know which company provides this service.

"I know of no other somatic companies trying to introduce somatics to the goverment."

Actually you know of none because there is no proof this company has done that.

"I believe SMAS Inc. has the edge. Because they can train massive groups of practioners to send to goverment hosipials and clinics worldwide."

This is a dream, not a reality.

"I believe only what the companies Prs state. If they say their financial status is current or that they are forming a training program this year. Then that is it. Knowbody knows the company better than the company it self. If they made the history books than they made the history books."

Take a number and wait it out. Let's see if these PRs are true when and if the SEC investigates this company.

"I believe in the future the drug companies will be trying to outbid the healthcare companies for the purchase of this company. Maybe that's why theirs no R/S. The company is worth more and easier to buy without the R/S."

Actually companies with less shares are easier to buy, and once again.. what you state is a dream not a reality. The dream is just PRs with nothing of substance and nothing tangible you can point to or hang your hat on with Smas. Keep making things up though, the leaps of faith and logic are amusing because the company is MIA.


10/08/09 1:58 AM

#37553 RE: JD400 #37547

First of all let me get this out of the way. The word is OUR, not ARE. The word OUR shows possession, ARE is a verb that shows action or state of being. Second, may I ask you, just what are HOSIPIALS? Third, PAIN RELIEF is not hyphenated. They are two separate words that stand well on their own and do not require a hyphen. Fourth, your first sentence is an interrogatory and requires a question mark at the end. Punctuating your sentence with a period is both improper and callous.

Now to your post. SMAS is not bringing somatics to our troops. SMAS has no contract with the government of any sort and there is no indication they are even pursuing one. In fact, the government would never consider them because SMAS is a revoked corporation. I have some experience in this area and i will guarantee you that SMAS would never be considered as a vendor, a subcontractor or even a peripheral service provider.

I'm not sure where or how you came up with SMAS having the ability to train "massive groups of practitioners."
I believe that it has been reported on this board that SMAS has, in all the years of their existence, trained but one person.

If you want to accept Steve's goofy PRs, go ahead. Its your money.

Below is a link to an on line dictionary that can help you with spelling, nouns & verbs, punctuation, etc, etc, etc. I believe you will find it easy to use and thorough.


10/08/09 8:57 AM

#37557 RE: JD400 #37547

Yeah, but what about all the pain this crap company is bringing to all us bagholders who got scammed by this fake business ? Still can't dump this crap @0001 , please , please bring on the reverse split ASAP!!!