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10/07/09 8:22 PM

#230811 RE: printmail01 #230801

Your theory is an interesting one. I'm hoping it isn't true, but I can see that it is possible for RME and/or DF to allow their shares to be borrowed and then legally shorted. Is it legal to short shares that you own? At the very least, I wouldn't think you could short shares if you have a business interest in the company like RME does. DF is another story being an "independent investor".

In any case, if they short shares, they made a ton of $$ because of INSIDER information. That's ILLEGAL! If you are right (and again, I hope you aren't), the SEC should procecute them to the full extent of the law. I'll be sure to be in court to watch them sweat before getting their 20 years to life sentences.

I'm still long and hopeful. I just don't think these guys would risk their good names, lifetime fortunes, years of product/business development and most of all LONG prison sentences on developing a scam.