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10/07/09 8:44 AM

#23258 RE: Gold Seeker #23256

No sales in China........................YET

No sales in the US for Dog RECAF.........YET

No one will license the ELISA test.......YET

Which way does the water rotate when you flush the stool?......COUNTERCLOCKWISE

I am quite suprised and amused that Gold has not yet conceded. The sudden change in direction of the pendulum swinging in favor of Biocurex is priceless. Halloween is coming up. Goldseeker, maybe you can try and scare some children. Boo!
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10/07/09 11:09 AM

#23272 RE: Gold Seeker #23256

Gold, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and short the hell out of this stock, please! If you are so adamant about the failure of Biocurex double down. You have an opportunity to recoup your alleged 150,000 dollar loss. The stars are aligning for Dr Moro. I am sorry to disappoint you after spendings hours of your life for many years and now you have ruined your chances of regaining any losses because you lost faith or patience or both. Well, I am proud to be a shareholder and see a very different picture, but thanks for the warning. Dr Moro now has 2 seasoned board members that have invested their own cash into the company, and they possess the experience to move this company forward. That single move, IMO, has resulted in proof that other leaders in the diagnostic and therapeutic biotech industry (besides Abbott and Inverness which are behemouths in the field) agree with MY assessment of recaf. That holds much more weight than an anonymous poster posing to save investors. Did you ever get around to apologizing to GreatGrandma and many of the other longterm investors you "scared" from achieving their dreams. There has not been any selling. Can that possibly mean that YOU are that brilliant or are you just a lone wolf?
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10/07/09 11:50 AM

#23274 RE: Gold Seeker #23256

How is that what you profess to know has not been accurate in the past, so why do you suddenly think you are correct today?
I noticed you basically called Dr Moro a liar with the data he presented at the ISOBM. The fact that you can't read the writing on the wall or your failure to connect the dots will IMO be one of those rare opportunities that just passed you by. If that data presented at the ISOBM got published what do you think would happen to the stock price? Well consider yourself privy to have that information before it becomes widespread knowledge that doctors will be confident in their diagnosis with ZERO false positives. That information alone is worth investing in the company.
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10/07/09 2:07 PM

#23283 RE: Gold Seeker #23256

Gold, wrong again. First, don't get upset when you see how the word is spreading. Look for yourself

Second, get some more Visine.

How FDA Regulates Veterinary Devices

The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) defines medical devices as "an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in-vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including any component, part, or accessory thereof, which is intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions; in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals; or which is intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals." Further, a device "does not achieve any of its principal intended purposes through chemical action within or on the body of man or other animals, and is not dependent upon being metabolized for the achievement of any of its principal intended purposes." Examples of devices include such things as needles, syringes, surgical instruments, prosthetic devices, X-ray equipment, certain diagnostic test kits, and dental appliances.

Pre-market Approval is Not Required: The FDA does not require submission of a 510(k) or formal pre-market approval for devices used in veterinary medicine. Firms that manufacture radiation emitting devices need to register their products under the radiological health regulations, administered by the Center for Devices Radiological Health (CDRH).

Device manufacturers who exclusively manufacture, or distribute veterinary devices are not required to register their establishments and list veterinary devices.

FDA does have regulatory oversight over veterinary devices and can take appropriate regulatory action if a veterinary device is misbranded, mislabeled or adulterated.

It is the responsibility of the manufacturer and/or distributor of these articles to assure that these animal devices are safe, effective, and properly labeled.

FDA recommends that devices should meet or be equivalent to the performance standards. This is especially important devices that can be used both in humans and animals, such as examination gloves, sterile catheters, infusion pumps, etc.

FDA recommends that manufacturers and/or distributors of veterinary medical devices request a review of their product labeling and promotional literature to ensure that it complies with labeling and regulations. This includes devices marketed in another country and offered for importation into the U.S.

Third, you sitting down?

Consultations with the pertinent Government agencies in the USA and Canada indicate that neither the "homebrew" tests for veterinary use, nor the production facilities require regulatory approval.

Given the absence of regulatory delays as well as the fact that the technology is ready for use, the Company expects to take OncoPet(tm) to market within the next few months and to that effect, it has already registered the domain.

Fourth, and the knockout blow

Dr. Moro stated: "OncoPet(tm) is our response to generate revenue as quickly as possible. It is now ready for use and it requires no approvals that would excessively delay its launching. Marketing in North America is straight forward and the veterinarians we consulted are enthusiastic about the potential the test has to offer. Other markets such as Europe and Japan may be accessed via licensing or distribution agreements. OncoPet(tm) is now ready for use with dogs, but we anticipate it will also be as effective for cats, which approximately doubles the market size."

Sorry kid you are batting a being wrong. Yawn. Case closed.

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10/07/09 3:10 PM

#23296 RE: Gold Seeker #23256

Gold, you seem to dismiss what is a FACT
Again, Pre-market Approval is Not Required: The FDA does not require submission of a 510(k) or formal pre-market approval for devices used in veterinary medicine.

That is taken off the FDA website. Add to that Dr Moro stated there would be NO REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS for pet-recaf.
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10/07/09 4:26 PM

#23305 RE: Gold Seeker #23256
Please note it is Inverness and it is for vet use

AVI Biopharma (our new board member was previous CEO...bird flu)

In other words he has experience with bird flu and
I believe they created the POC tests

Bottom line. We have a unique product that will have a HUGE market potential. It works like nothing out there. IMO, we will outsell the BRAC. Inverness has the know-how as well as our board to get it approved and market it. I've been patient and just as shareholders in Apple, I will be rewarded. Gold, keep firing all the shots you want at our company. Eventually you will will realize you are shooting blanks.
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10/07/09 7:51 PM

#23310 RE: Gold Seeker #23256

You can add the entire planet outside the US to Canada. It would never take a year anyway. Don't be foolish. A 510K only takes a few months FOR HUMANS. Get real. Let's see, yep, your still batting a thousand. Not!