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01/29/01 1:49 PM

#215 RE: smart_sassy #212

Ah Sassy:

See what happens when you hang out with guys named Francis?

I don't recall that you said anything that offensive. You may be able to write them a letter and tell them you have been previeved guilty by association. Frankly I don't really give a rats sphincter if I ever get on abc again and after all it was I who was guilty of the really ugly stuff.

Also you might try singing on to your server as a guest,under a ficticous name. Then go to abc and open a new account under that name. If they have dropped a cookie and are identifying you by your C-drive you may have to remove the cookie. If that is the case I'm pretty sure Dennis can help you delete the cookie. If not I'll get a hold of my son and find what the procedure is. He's a data base administrator and I spent a couple of truckloads of money getting him educated so we'll get to see if it was money well spent.

I'm sorry for the inconvienence. I feel responsible.


01/29/01 3:11 PM

#223 RE: smart_sassy #212

"I have been permanently banned from ABC"

You may need to delete your cookies to get back on. That is what happened to righton. Interestingly enough, I just got a message from abc saying that my accountname "joeysadork" was banned. I have not used it in months, so they must have been going through the list of registered names and noticed it. Here is their explanation for why they banned it:

Your Member Name, joeysadork, has been blocked for the following reason:

The username can be implied as harassment towards another user or person. If you would like to sign up as I'm dorky or I'm a dork or dorks are cool, this is ok. These names don't have a reflection towards someone else.

We are sorry if you feel this is unfair. We are trying to follow the guidelines on our TOS and House Rules.

Phucking prudes.


01/29/01 9:41 PM

#236 RE: smart_sassy #212

Smart_Sassy has been permanently banned from ABC

"Hey, those of you who do it regularly, what do I have to do to get back on - do I need to log on under an assumed name or something?"

LOL. When I was banned it was because of comments I made about that horrid woman who was counting chads in Miami-Dade.

Anyway, when you create your new ID submit completely different data (real name, e-mail address, etc). I suspect that they are not sophisticated enough to track your system's MAC or IP address (it would pose a serious technical challange anyway) but if they stop you after doing the above then try creating the new account from another system.

Incidentally, what was it that you said that got you blocked?