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10/05/09 8:18 PM

#1996 RE: gappa2 #1992

Gappa, I thank you for your analysis. I sure it is a big part of what is going on. You are also right...I do have misconceptions that I spent half a day Friday and part of the day today trying to clear up. The woman I talked to a the National Service Center was not a secretary. She was part of the customer service area that handles clients questions and complaints. She took all my concerns from Friday and sent it up the chain for answers. She used the term "fraudulent" before I did. I asked her if the fraudulent shares were from naked shorting, and she said probably not. She said naked shorting may be involved, but the SEC is saying that unregistered shares may have been sold (via the SEC complaint we have all seen). Let just suppose that the "officer" involved "created" these shares thinking the company was going under and wanted to get in on the action of getting money for nothing by trying to launder some unregistered shares though a third party or company. If the shares were unregistered in the first place and dumped into the market for us to scoop up at .0015 then they are (my term) vapor shares that have no one responsible for covering. IMO... See, I have not been able to get a simple reason for the chill...such as "a large MM failed to deliver a large number of shares".. Its all buried in canned double talk and such.

Scottrade said they cannot issue me certificates because they do not know if the shares are real in my account. If they issued me certificates, then they would now be liable for the shares.. This of course prompted me to ask "who is responsible for these share"...I didn't like the answer, which was "that can't be determined and is the reason for the chill (her opinion...). I asked "is it possible that I could lose some or all of these shares" and she said "it is possible, we don't know what is happening with this security". Of course the next question is "who does know". The answer was, we don't have any further information.

Call me crazy, but all this actually makes some sense about what has been going on with know...the head scratching, what the heck stuff. It answers the question of why someone with a bunch of shares would want the company to fail. It makes sense out of some of the confusing games that have been going on in the market. The infighting may have been about making a successful execution of the company, or taking the crooks route and profit by flooding the market with shares just prior to the companies demise. this is IMO or more like speculation, but after two days of trying to get actual facts...speculation is all I have plus a bunch of frozen shares.

You speak logically of "all of a sudden there is a need to balance" and I totally agree with your analysis. Why hasn't that started? There should have been a squeeze. The DTCC should have called in shares by now. How long can some MM take to pony up shares?

I have learned a lot these last couple of weeks.


10/05/09 11:17 PM

#2004 RE: gappa2 #1992

gappa... part of the 'genius' of the plan, if in fact you can accuse anyone in the company of being such, is the changing of the AS to 10B ... imo it is not so some rich guy can buy billions of shares....that doesn't fly....he'd just buy the company with an offer if that was the case.... no, I think it possible that the move to 10B BEFORE the news and the subsequent drop and HUGE volume could well be to snag those loser shorts a little bit more.

It has been done where, when the shorts think the company is in its death shake, they just step on the gas and short away even more... assuming the dramatic rise in AS is a desperate attempt to scam again before disappearing...

But when a real plan works out, and in this case maybe it will, ALL of those extra nakeds have to come back in sometime.... OUCH!... to make it even better and more painful, the company 'could' announce AFTER the financing that they do not need the 10B and have reduced it to 1/2 that or less based on need. And One step better would be to announce retiring a few too (even IF symbolic), and that, with the cusip/name/state change ought to put a few farms up for sale and make for a few leaps out of windows for a few shorts.....the 'ol concrete swan dive...... "10" "10" "10".. perfect.....

At least we can hope ..... would be the squeeze of the century if so.... yikes!...
