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10/01/09 11:07 AM

#644 RE: Phil(Hot Rod Chevy) #643

know some folks that put everything they had into a garbage pink

and lost their the farm and now it's gone
so, imo, most of the sheep have been sheared and the pickings have gotten so thin with the economy in a downward spiral

the pink stink has stuck and people are finally seeing them for the bottomless money pit scams they are

Pink scammers didn't follow the rules that keep places Las Vegas successful
some have to win in order to keep them coming back

Pink scammers just take and run......
and people are finally learning to stay away from them

janice shell

10/02/09 10:37 PM

#645 RE: Phil(Hot Rod Chevy) #643

Happens all the time. Some of the Xers raided their kids' college funds, maxed out their credit cards, refinanced their homes, all to buy more CMKX...