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01/29/01 12:26 AM

#198 RE: Spallenzani #194

You start out by saying, in effect, that with all these other problems in the Black community, why worry about racism? Well, if you're a young Black man or woman, and you are raised in an atmosphere of prejudice against you, what kind of behaviors would that promote, do you think? If your only choice of jobs are between flipping burgers for minimum wage, or selling drugs for a couple of hundred, or thousand a day, what would you choose? I figure you will say that you would be honorable, and flip burgers, but then again, you haven't been raised in the previously stated conditions.

Like I said before, I do not think that you are prejudiced, but you are using bigot's logic when you point out the glaring errors of promoting racial equality, and ignore the thousands of successes a day.

Why do you immediately proceed to the KKK being forced to hire a Black employee? Why do you think a Black would even apply for the job? And by saying he shouldn't be forced to because he is a racist, and therfore wouldn't like working with a Black person, you are, in essence, stating that his opinion is a valid one. Of course he is welcome to hold that as a PERSONAL opinion, but when he starts to apply it, forcebly, to others in society, then it is, and should be, illegal.

I have found talking to you very saddening. You talk about which one of your freedoms you would be willing to give up first. You say that racism will be with us always. I'm a lot older than you, and I have yet to make such cynical concessions.

In your last staement, you say that we shouldn't focus on "divisive" issues. Well, if an issue ISN'T "divisive" where's the argument? The "divisive" issues are EXACTLY the ones we NEED to focus on, and deal with until they are no longer "divisive". I also note that you would rather focus on non-"divisive" issues like dismantalling the social security system, getting rid of social aid, completely restructuring the school system, banning all but the most necessary functions to save on paying taxes. It seems that an issue is only "divisive" if it is not one you care about, or think is important.