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09/30/09 11:42 AM

#170015 RE: CSykes #170014

well I agree

both organizations have a bias, and neither will admit it

each side picks and cast stones to the other side and find a way to varnish theirs

Any news story can be wiggled and proven to lean one way or the other. Stories can be killed all together when it might give a semblance of bad light for your side.

The only reason I hold fox above most of the others is they will attempt MORE than the others to bring in other voices from the other side. Is it 50/50 of course not. This is about money and ratings, not fairness and both do it.

Its all out there, and we all know or most of the fair minded people that choose to THINK... those that follow because of the initial R or D are clueless and will always be

This has been the most divided we have ever been IMHO and most of the organizations that pick a side cant stand the other and spend MOST of their time tearing them down. You have to admit that the left has owned the media for quite some time in terms of leanings, but the advent of Fox, the internet and blogs has taken this to a new level. This is about picking sides and tearing the crappola out of the other side to make YOU somehow look better

all IMHO

we all do it, and we are all the worse for it