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10/04/04 8:17 PM

#17773 RE: frogdreaming #17772

Frog/'s someone else's opinion for you...


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10/04/04 8:37 PM

#17776 RE: frogdreaming #17772


Tell me, is there no differnece between company and pps, when the pps goes from $5 in '95 to $60 in 01 to $30 in 02 to $53 in 04?

Did the condition of the company stumble in 02 to drive the stock from $60 to $30?
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10/04/04 8:40 PM

#17777 RE: frogdreaming #17772

Frog - You sure have an active imagination as!

I and many others here would include ourselves in the "class" of "the rest of us" as a fact of reality (we post therefore we are).

Your imagination...and your world view sure does not speak for me as part of "the rest of us" group...

There ARE distinct differences that the investment community shares as common assumptions:

As an example:

Concern for the pps are "classes of people" who consider themselves "daytraders".

Concern for the "company" are "classes of people" who consider themselves "long term investors".

Play it how you like...there IS a difference that "the rest of us" clearly see.

Our consensual shared Reality IS that simple...and your imagination is just that...only your imagination.

JMHO of course.

God's Speed To DNAP's Vision and To All DNAP's Investors

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10/04/04 10:04 PM

#17781 RE: frogdreaming #17772

frogd you and bigd seem to think you have a lock on what is
real and what is not---you dont! None of us do. Some of us
like to put our money behind a very big dream---it feeds our
soul and makes us feel good---we might just help lots of people. You boys seem to care for nothing but the money. Now
from where I sit that is sad. How do we get to big new paradigm
shifts if people like us dont gamble on new ideas. Now dont
get me wrong I have my money plays and I dont consider them
new ideas. I was not happy when I lost $15,000 on LU with some
scheme my Smith Barney broker talked me into. I was not betting
on something that could change the world as we know it. That
was a money play. You boys keep trying to tell us we should play DNAP as we would LU. It aint going to happen. Talk about
PPS and bottom lines all you want to. It means nothing to me.
Yes I would like to make money here---but that is not why I invested here. I like the dream---I like the idea---I have even
shook Doc Ts hand---I like the man. I dont even post on most
other boards because I like the fight here. I like to do the research to see how our new idea is doing. I like to share it
with others so they too see how it is growing. So you see frogd
and bigd you cant hurt me here---I am not here just for the money. I am here to be part of a project to change the world
just like Burt did today with SpaceShipOne. All of your talk
about money has little to do with why I am here. To be honest I
am sorry you cant play a stock for the dream---you have no idea
how good it feels. When DNAP makes it I will have a whole lot
more than just the money---my soul will have also been fed.