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09/29/09 7:28 PM

#220368 RE: DBS02892 #220364

Why is this so hard for people to understand? If they didn't have a product and all the advertising the stock price would never have gotten close to where it did. This was trading at .006 not that long ago. The advertising and the nice product is what got it so high. You can't claim huge sales numbers without a product and marketing. Let's say the company spent 50 million on advertising and production but sold 200 million in stock. That's a nice gain, no? If they spend $0 in advertising and product maybe they make $3 million in stock sales.


"What doesn't make sense is why manufacture, distribute and sell products (again I bought some here in RI at CVS just a week ago), advertise on TV, buy Dicon and all that if you are just trying to run a stock scam ? "


09/29/09 7:37 PM

#220374 RE: DBS02892 #220364

nice to see another rhode islander... got mine at walgreens. In addition to the marketing blitz, why buy the manufacturer(Dicon). It doesn't make sense for a company to do all these things and simultaneously try to pull the wool over the sec's eyes...especially with the current market/sec climate. something may be awry, but i don't believe it's all doom and gloom like some would have us believe... And if the ny post truly broke a story like that, and it was accurate, i believe another paper would pick it up. EVERYONE has seen the Spongetech sign in one sporting venue or another. And EVERYONE wants to read about scammers getting what's due.


09/29/09 7:46 PM

#220380 RE: DBS02892 #220364

Thank you for replying to my post to DBS02892, but unless you are 4kids, I would like her to reply to my original post.
4kids did say she would *report* to the board, any reply she received from David Patch, and we all know she received one.
I would expect her to post what he said on this board, unless the poster is *posting* for other *reasons*.
Underdog, I did exchange a few emails w/ Judd Bagley from the Deep Capture team, and he was meeting w/ David Patch today, and unfortunately, much to my disappointment, he did tell me that David Patch confirmed to him that he had indeed authored the letters which were mentioned in a post a while ago:

This is something that will make reconsider my position because I do feel like the Deep Capture folks are trustworthy (although I could be wrong about that too, it's become hard to tell friend from foe :-D).

In my mind the best possible explanation at this stage is that SPNG management did misbehave at some point and might be trying to come up clean and go about running a legit business, but that's just a lot of speculation on my part ...

What doesn't make sense is why manufacture, distribute and sell products (again I bought some here in RI at CVS just a week ago), advertise on TV, buy Dicon and all that if you are just trying to run a stock scam ?

I'm interested in non-hysterical (i.e. if all you have to say is "IT'S GOING TO ZERO SELL SELL SELL !!!!" then don't bother ...) opinions about what the worst possible outcome of the SEC investigation might be ? Assuming some mild security fraud has been going on but now the business is kind of on a roll (may be SPNG management got surprised by their own success at selling sponges :-D), could they just get away with a slap on the wrist, some kind of fine and then be sent back to running a legit business ?

I appreciate those of you you might have been trying to provide genuine warnings, but they kind of get drowned in the bashing background noise.

> 4kids, will you please post the reply you received
> from David Patch that you said you would " post back to
> this venue ~ when i get a response from david patch"
> It seems he replied to your questions, so I am curious
> why you are not posting his answer here for everyone to
> read? He did reply, correct?
> --------------------------
> well i'll shoot him an email/edit
> and ask for verification underdog
> i've seen too many *oddities*
> to take anything at face value
> will post back to this venue ~ when i get a response
> from david patch
> edit >>>> i'm having a tough time *reconciling*
> the david patch i'm aware re: the SEC and NSS
> with one who *relies* on the ny post for *insight*
> odd stuff indeed ~