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09/29/09 12:48 PM

#219856 RE: TigerTrader83 #219827

Well, I sort of misspoke when I said "negotiated settlement" -- got a lot of PMs and some public guffaws over that. But what I mean is that the SEC is now looking at SPNGE. This could be very bad for management and/or very bad for shorts. I certainly think the SEC could "nudge" the shorts toward the bargaining table.

But what do I know. I'm not even sure there are shorts.

But I do think that going 1934 is a very positive step. Is it too far-fetched to think that the SEC might be getting involved now (rather than back in the spring) because they watch more carefully over 1934 Act companies?



09/29/09 12:52 PM

#219867 RE: TigerTrader83 #219827

so you think that SPNG is going to negotiate a deal with the shorts by selling them shares to take care of the naked position and then release a tender offer on approximately 3 Billion shares?? an offer of what 10 cents which would still be 300 million and all patient longs would get screwed..