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07/17/02 1:51 PM

#15503 RE: AKvetch #15502

Ak, is it set to on/true here?

What browser are you using?


07/17/02 11:16 PM

#15519 RE: AKvetch #15502

Matt, (automatic) refresh is not working for me... AK


I'am not sure if my comments here address your question.

Matt replied with the link to set it, as follows.

Favorites Auto-Refresh (True=On, False=Off)
Favorites Refresh Rate (in seconds) [15,30,60,300]

I'am also a little confused in that if one sets it to Off
then most likely it will not be refreshed until one
does a log-off of iHub. If so then the default should
be On for those iHub members that accept whatever
iHub gives them as defaults, and if so the Refresh Rate
is set to i'll guess 60 seconds. There are lots of members
that are high tech and wizzards at the markets stuff,
but don't customize the package they obtain upon joining
a web site as iHub.

But then maybe i'am mistaken about the above Refresh Rate
as it may not be connected to the Auto-Refresh option.
Its stuff like this that causes folks not into computers
to back off and not touch anything because as its all
very obvious and easy and simply for Bob and Matt,
for some its the opposite. Kind of like finding a person
living deep in the jungle for the last 500 years and placing
him into a car and wonder why he does not turn the key
to start the engine.

Since i'am using an old Opera browser on Windows 3.1
i'am not eager to complain about problems i encounter
here on iHub unless it may be present for up to date
software users.
For example
my setting of
Favorites Auto-Refresh (True=On, False=Off) On
Favorites Refresh Rate (in seconds) [15,30,60,300] 15
while i'am in the Favorites Page
if i have a number greater than zero for unread()
and hit upon that number
during a window when the Refresh takes place
then, i do not go to the post for the first reading
but remain in the Favorites Page
and count for that unread goes to zero
two most buggie place for programmers
1. off by one
2. handling interrupts
a minor "bug" in this Submit Post routine
is that if i happen to have place many Newlines
at the bottom because i happen to have two or more
Opera windows on the screen and i need to "force"
the text i'am writing upwards using repeated Enter
keyboard pressing, then these "white spaces"
between my last typed in text and my signature remain
rather than be squeezed out into the bit bucket.
for example
i'll press Enter a zillion times
then hit Submit

Si's Doug AK