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09/28/09 3:49 PM

#169706 RE: OilCan61 #169689

Nope, your right I haven't seen it from the barrel of a gun perspective. I have seen it from behind the sight and trigger.

There are two sides to a conflict. Have you ever seen what white phosphorus does to a child? How would you feel if you were the source of that white phosphorus. We called it "popping smoke". Worked great in tight places. Was pretty funny at the time.

Taking fire from a distant window of an Apartment complex? No problem at all, nothing a 1,000 pounder won't take care of. No local air support? No problem, a couple 120MM HEATS will do the trick. "BOOOM... hey Johnny see that building collapse.. man that was way cool.."

Incoming 60MM mortars? That ain't shit.. radar provides the grid, we fire back 155MM. Heavily populated area? Who cares.. "Can't wait to get back to playing my playstation back in the hooch"

You want to talk about Civilian causalities? I can talk about them till the cows come home. The only difference is I was the one responsible, my unit was the ones responsible, my Country was the one responsible for killing them. Broken hearts are no different whether they are American or Iraqi.

It goes both ways.. a War is two sided. We are not innocent in this, we elect our leaders, we are responsible.