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09/28/09 3:29 PM

#169691 RE: Iggy_Bot #169683

I'm pretty sure Israel can take care of itself. If anything I'm more afraid of what Israel will do, not Iran.

So you think Iran is developing Nukes for offensive purposes? I hate to break it to you, but it is OUR saber rattling that is pushing them to become nuclear powers as a deterrent.

We have troops in how many countries? How many bases do we have around the world? Who is truly the aggressor?

We exert our military dominance over the middle east because we are addicted to oil. We created this problem in the first place On November 29, 1947, when the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions, in favor of a Partition Plan that created the State of Israel.

We stuck our nose where it didn't belong and we have been paying the price ever since.