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10/04/04 9:51 AM

#22148 RE: fmikehugo #22146

from the sublime to the surreal

"in a strong case scenario" ..... "in 2008" ....

But not to worry. When the need comes to bubble it up some more they can always come up with a "best of all best cases scenario" .... "in 2010"

A year from now there are going to be people sitting around looking at the Merrill sales pump thinking "how the heck did I not see it for what it was? it couldn't have been more painfully obvious if they stamped it on my forehead"

My favorite part ... "Firm believes the iPod market has been underestimated ..."

Hmmm. Or did you mean to say ... "When we set our $39 target only a few weeks ago WE underestimated what we thought the market for iPods would be, but we've had an epiphany in the past few weeks and we think WE underestimated and therefore are raising our estimate of unit sales and therefore our price target"


10/04/04 10:13 AM

#22149 RE: fmikehugo #22146

Another sign of the times ...

I can remember a time not so long ago when the analysts who covered AAPL were all referred to as ANALysts, idiots, numbskulls, fools, dopes, and worse. Their analysis was rejected as the work of uninformed morons, their words mocked and referred to as trash, fit only to be burned in a bonfire. Anyone who would give any credence to anything they had to say, himself or herself was held up to ridicule. Because as we all know, lol, anyone who would pay any attention to one of those ANALysts, anyone who would trade off their recommendations was mocked and thought to be equally as big a damned fool as they are, and a near lock-guarantee to lose money.

But, oh, how times change. Now they are celebrated as geniuses and their words are cited as irrefutable, immutable truth.

Apparently, they must have all found the same stash of smart pills to ingest, lol.