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09/28/09 10:11 AM

#169621 RE: extelecom #169613

We will simply have to agree to disagree on this topic. Most Unions I know of, especially construction trades, have hourly rates that are fair for the work produced. The average Union trade worker in the south makes on average about $60K a year. I'm not sure what planet you live on, but that is just middle class and most construction trades require skilled labor and are dangerous.

In fact, the U.S Government, for many years has used Union wage rates in the South as the "Prevailing Wage" for Government projects. This is mainly because many non-union companies hire construction workers, charge the Government standard industry rates, which is about $50 an hour for construction, then hire a few skilled people and an army of $10 workers.

I don't believe you personally have any experience in the construction industry, or experience with Unions based on your comments. What I have found is most people who have opinions like yours, are rarely ever speaking from first hand experience, but simply regurgitating something they heard from Rush Limbaugh, or some other conservative talking head.

I have already proven, Unions can compete in a "free market" environment such as Texas. That 100% shoots your theory out of the water that they raise prices for everyone. If that was the case, Union shops in Texas would not be able to compete with open shops. They do however, and the thrive. In most cases Union workers make $10 more an hour than the open shop worker.

Yes, some unions have to much leverage such as the UAW and Teamsters, however if your going to judge the entire sector based on a small minority of Unions then, well that is just ridiculous.

No, the problem is American greed, I have personally witnessed it first hand. My first job after leaving the Army was as an assistant project manager for LMC Corp. in Houston Texas. I was unable to return to plumbing due to a back injury. They would pay their workers some of the crappiest wages I had ever seen. They did mainly Government contracting, most for NASA and the USPS. Even though Government jobs have prevailing wages, they would pay their workers on average $10 an hour. They would even go down to Home Depot and pick up Juan/Jose when they needed extra hands. I remember a few times workers ere turned away at both NASA and a job for the Coast Guard because the workers who showed up didn't even have ID.

As the Project Manager, I managed the finances of the job. This company was raking in about 30%-40% profit margins, far above the industry standard of 16%. My job was mad difficult because the sub par labor they would hire would create problems on the job that I had to resolve. I pleaded with the owner to hire skilled labor to combat these issues.

Do you know what he said to me? "Why, I'm making damn good profit even with all the problems. I can find plenty of people to do the work for what I'm willing to pay."

That is what is wrong with this country.. not Unions.