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09/28/09 12:52 PM

#116 RE: tsl444 #115

Yeah, I was going to do the same. Actually, I already started. I know nothing about REE's and much less about where to set my guidlines for my research into new companies in this sector.

That said, I'm excited to start looking into REE's mainly becuase it is something completely new. At times I find myself going in circles with my research and I guess REE's offers a chance to look at something new. Jim Dine's brought up some great points as to why he's a believer in the market. At the same time, he did bring up some good cautionary points: REE's would not hold up as well as gold in a crash like 2008 (something I believe to be very possible here in the short term), and the possibility of the WTO "forcing" China into those export sales.

Say, I don't have the option to send Private Messages. I think I declined to do so a while back because it required a subscription. What exactly does that entail or include in the subscription? I'm trying to keep spam and other things down to a minimum. Is it worth it? Thanks for the message though. I'm in agreement with you.