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09/27/09 1:24 PM

#82882 RE: StephanieVanbryce #82879

Charter schools in TX receive $19 million from state, red flags raised in audit.


A routine financial audit of Bexar County's largest charter school system, the School of Excellence in Education, turned out to be anything but routine, the board of directors learned Wednesday night.

During a special board meeting, auditors from Padgett Stratemann & Co. laid out for the governing board a report that details the financial quagmire the 2,300-student charter district faced during the 2007-08 school year, when it experienced significant turnover in its business department.

Auditors said sloppy bookkeeping put the district in a precarious situation — the Texas Education Agency threatened to withhold its funding last summer and lead auditor Santos Fraga described the school as being in a “very low-level cash position” — that school officials say they have begun to turn around.


Auditors said sloppy bookkeeping put the district in a precarious situation — the Texas Education Agency threatened to withhold its funding last summer and lead auditor Santos Fraga described the school as being in a “very low-level cash position” — that school officials say they have begun to turn around

The School of Excellence operates eight charter schools that are open to students from throughout the city. Last year, the district received about $19 million in state funding.


09/27/09 1:25 PM

#82883 RE: StephanieVanbryce #82879

Unemployment for young SKYROCKETS to 52.2%HOPE/CHANGE Public edu. under DUMBOBAMICS is killing our young. DumboBama Lied and soldiers die.
US military death toll in Afghanistan at 757


09/27/09 1:40 PM

#82885 RE: StephanieVanbryce #82879

US military death toll in Afghanistan at 757
DumBoBama Lied and soldiers died. DumBoBama ties soldiers hands with limited rules of engagemant. This IDIOT is getting American Soldiers Killed!§ionid=3510203

DumBoBama is killing our Heros and thousands of civilians with his Bombing campaign.