You may not be too far off. there is already a pretty good understanding that SGT will be teaming up with BEHL and SGT makes hydrogen from algae already
The start-up company produces biohydrogen for energy using waste products like glycerol from biodiesel production, sugars from sugarcane and sugar beets, office paper once it is turned to glucose by enzymes, and brewery wastes, among others. The waste stream from that process now will be used to increase algae oil production for the company’s biodiesel plant, whose waste stream will go right back into the biohydrogen bioreactor, according to the company. “It closed the loop for us,” said Jim Siegrist, vice president of marketing and sales for SGT.
Now the rumors are starting that SGT could be using BEHLs shell to R/M onto the market. If that happens it looks like 3 green companies all in the same boat