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09/27/09 2:39 AM

#169347 RE: CSykes #169337

WEll for once I applaud you for standing up for something

and as with previous administrations, given the current course

if things fall apart

will we then be able to call you uneducated about the reality of what the man stood for? Or maybe naive, wishful or just plain ignorant?

Can you tell me, so far, how many campaign promises Mr. Transparency, no Lobbiest, MR.close Guantanamo in a year, pull out of Iraq has kept?

And being as such that so far he has kept ZERO of those promises to date, what does that make YOU, a person that voted him into office?



09/27/09 12:11 PM

#169404 RE: CSykes #169337

Since you were being petty before I will now... This is not a Democracy it is a Republic... Go back to civics class learn it then come back.... LOL