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09/27/09 1:16 AM

#169294 RE: CSykes #169291 can only elect good leaders if the candidates made available are worth a crap

and the rules are different state to state set by each party
in other words....there's not a whole lot I can do to effectively choose and get a good candidate

we actually had a great candidate in Mike Miles against Ken Salazar,

Miles was shot down by the CO dem party and Salazar was funded by the party even though Miles had the delegates needed.....
some pretty shitty democracy at work

sad thing of it.....Mike Miles was one of the best candidates I've seen come down the pike in years......he would've made a terrific Senator

and though some of us pushed for Miles to replace Salazar when he was promoted by Obama, dipshit Bennett was chosen instead

the parties are corrupt

the engine is doesn't need an overhaul
it's needs a complete replacement....

so vote them ALL out until we actually get the change we need


09/27/09 1:21 AM

#169299 RE: CSykes #169291

so your answer is to grow govt

let them control everything

because your 1 vote

because you don't believe a true free market will ever work

you just say TAKE ME I'M YOURS?

and you choose to blame those that dont elect honest people by calling them uneducated?

well how about who decides who gets to run?

the power is NOT in voting, the power is in WHOM they get behind to run and LET us vote

I would have NEVER voted for Bush, but I had 2 choices

Bush/Kerry and given that choice you boil it down to being un-educated? Let 1000 people run and your point will be valid but when you have 2 choice and those choices were groomed by the powers that be, the money given by the powerful and those that seem to pull in POPULAR voters are snubbed and not given a chance to run.

Yes, in a perfect world your point is valid but in the imperfect system run by powerful egomaniacs that cant afford to loose control of the masses least they might be exposed and loose everything.

So you tell me how blaming voters as UN-EDUCATED holds water?

This system is broken and biased and controlled and all the educated people in the world cant elect something that is not there.

Here is a choice.....

Vote for 1



Pick one and whichever one you pick would that then make you uneducated for voting for either? Its a lame academic excuse that bypasses the reality of the situation and is often used as the excuse to continue down this road of corruption and deceit.