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09/26/09 10:10 PM

#9585 RE: bartermania #9584

another cut of mine:

this seems to be another natural human law/human flaw: that the amount of secrecy (secrets/secret societies) one accepts/perpetuates/joins/gets involved with/submits to, is directly proportional to the amount of evil and/or the amount of socially unacceptable acts one is doing/is associated with and/or has done. in all cases, secrecy is considered justified by those doing it/those maintaining it. secrecy and lies have a similar genesis, and similar reasons are given for their existence/their continuance. self-proctection on an individual or small scale seems like the only justifiable use/excuse for secrecy and here it should only be used as a last resort and never become a habit (comparable to individual self-defense with good reason only). when such things become institutionalized, human nature becomes overwhelmingly pushed/shunted/subverted to it's most negative side/traits of it's being/ability/potential. such is the case when a nation's so called and supposedly consented to government/governance continues to keep secrets from the nation's people/citizens, for no valid reason whatsoever, except for continuing to benefit themselves and maintain their power & control over the people. thus, they become parasites upon the people/enemies of the people...and must always continue to live under the cover of and behind their wall of secrets and their constantly issued stream of lies. as a result, a pall of darkness & injustice overcomes and rules the land. such is the very sad state/national state/human dynamic that exists now in the US. scrape-off this scourge of secrecy/lies/corruption and enslavement. cure the people of this ill now. - (non/btm/kdp) - 9/19/07