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09/26/09 12:49 AM

#215287 RE: printmail01 #215240

The Company and its officers and directors have received subpoenas requesting the delivery of certain documents.

the directors and officers could be the and/or other persons :)


09/26/09 10:14 AM

#215537 RE: printmail01 #215240

LOL...You forgot the word * POSSIBLE * in front of securities laws violations by the Company and/or other persons.

It could be the Company
It could be other persons so they need information from the company
It could be the company and the other persons

YOU don't know and NEITHER does anyone of us know the situation.

If ANYONE here tells you he knows the situation and who is the guilty party, then they MUST be working for the SEC and giving CONFIDENTIAL information or tapping into SEC computer network which is also a crime.

Also, being subpoena is a formality and does NOT imply guilt. In my line of work, I have been subpoenaed three times in the last 5 years to be a witness. It was the other person(s) they were looking for, not me nor the other 4 subpoenaed for the 2nd case.

Don't jump to conclusion which is very easy to do.

It is much easier to influence one to sell based on fear than to influence one to buy.