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09/24/09 7:09 PM

#633293 RE: Must Be Patient #633292

How about we start with every President, and the entire history of America, this country started with a war, and then Hamilton was called in to figure out how not only to pay for everything, but too manage the countries finances. Fortunately back then we had all of these assets that we had stolen from the indians, there land.

Then all of the Presidents dealt with individual issues, how about Jackson and how he took the Cherokee land away from them, and all the gold on that land.

Now flash forward, America is really something, unfortunately we just forgot to pay for everything, and thats the real sad part. Wall Street really got drunk with there crazy ways of making money. These are the people we should be crucifying, instead of making money slowly, they got GREEDY.

So who really is in control, the politicians, or Wall Street, and let us not forget our wonderful Chairman's of the Federal Reserve.

Just putting my thoughts into the discussion, alot better than stocks, we kind of know where they are going for now, down !!!

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Bruce A Thompson

09/24/09 7:11 PM

#633294 RE: Must Be Patient #633292

I gotta better idea

Take every law or rule that has been eliminated in the last 10 years and put 'em back on the books. Start with Glass-Steagel.

Take every entity that is too big to fail and bust it up into smaller and smaller pieces until it doesn't matter if any of the pieces fail or not.

Pass a new law that says no government employee may work in the profession he regulated or the law firms that represent those professions for 7 years after leaving government service.

Pass another law that says if it is discovered that any government employee ever worked for Goldman Sachs, it would be grounds for immediate termination.
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09/24/09 8:26 PM

#633299 RE: Must Be Patient #633292

that too has merit.alex
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lee kramer

09/25/09 4:55 AM

#633307 RE: Must Be Patient #633292

[OT] Actually it all started when Morty and Marty walked out of the cave, each carrying a club with which to smite any passing cow or dinosaur. "Hey Morty," said Marty, pointing to yonder cave. "That sure is a funny looking guy. Look at his chest." Morty and Marty wandered over to yonder cave. They circled about the stranger. "Sure smells nice," said Morty. "Yep," agreed Marty, sure does." "Say stranger," said Marty, "what's your name?" "I am woman." Morty, the brighter of the two, saw the possibilities. "Say Marty, this er, woman, surely isn't worth much but she smells nice. I'll give you three rabbit skins and and a dinosaur tail if you and woman switch caves." Marty frowned. "Make it four rabbit skins and two dinosaur tails and woman is yours." "Deal," said Morty and the world's first trade was consummated. Woman looked on, amused. Morty was in big trouble, he just didn't know it.