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09/24/09 3:37 PM

#16120 RE: cartonet #16119

Quick answer was basserdan's post a couple of posts ago that is copied below. Now that the $1,000 options have expired wothless, gold will be allowed to run again. Wonderful free markets we have!

Comex Rolloff To Free Gold

UBS Metals Daily
Author:John Reade
September 24, 2009 5:11:28 AM

Gold October options expiry on Comex will take place at 2000 GMT today, and the greatest nearby open interest is at the $1000/oz strike. This is not surprising, as options strikes tend to cluster at round numbers.

The $950 and $1050 strikes too have very large open interest - and the open interest between $950 and $1000 is larger than that between $1000 and $1050. We believe this is a consequence of the recent quick move higher in the metal from $950/oz, rather than options traders explicitly expressing a preference for the downside.

Given the large open interest at the $1000/oz strike, we would not be surprised if gold remains close to this level today, barring a sharp move in EURUSD. To the extent that long October-expiration positioning in the market may have been constraining the range, however, the rolling off of October options should free gold to make larger moves.


09/24/09 7:05 PM

#16124 RE: cartonet #16119

<<<holly sh*t. what happened to gold? and the USD climbing?>>>

Hi catonet,
In a word... ooops! I mean "a thousand words" <g>

NOTE: Gold was taken down after THREE of the last PM Fixes. Today the children threw a serious tantrum after their first two ploys failed.