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09/23/09 10:13 PM

#180395 RE: RUBY1100 #180391

I still have a hard time believing that a shareholder vote on the sale of the ERHE could be made during a time period when wells have been drilled but no results have been disclosed. This probably would not be true for a larger company like Addax because the materiality of a couple wells is not the same with them as it is with ERHE.

Let's say somoene made a $3 offer. How would you vote? If Offor had knowledge of drilling results and we did not would the vote be fair? What if you voted yes on the $3 offer and a week later you found out that Kina had a billion bbls of oil? I just don't think it can happen. Once we get past this first round of drilling of 4-8 wells and the results are announced an offer may come then. I just don't see it happening now.