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09/22/09 1:44 PM

#42985 RE: Renee #42981

Great post. Thanks for your insight of the situation.


09/22/09 1:46 PM

#42986 RE: Renee #42981

Nice Renee,

I agree the problem the mice have is the stock is too clean. Kudos to you.



09/22/09 1:49 PM

#42990 RE: Renee #42981


Thanks for the education!! Obviously you are well acquainted with the inner workings of the market and have a remarkable talent for passing your knowledge on to the rest of us. I'm extremely pleased to have you as our new moderator. Thanks again from all of us!!



09/22/09 1:55 PM

#42997 RE: Renee #42981

Can you send your email to KNIGHT and PALC?


09/22/09 1:57 PM

#43000 RE: Renee #42981


You and JD have my support as well! Oops. Almost forgot...That goes for 4kids too!



09/22/09 4:25 PM

#43078 RE: Renee #42981

Seabiscuit, Would it help to solve this problem if all Longs put "High Limit Sell Orders" ( .20 )on their EXPH shares? We did this a month or so back and it seemed to cause a shorts- short. I have my shares @ .20 Limit Sell. Wing


09/22/09 10:11 PM

#43183 RE: Renee #42981

renee ..

that is a well thought out post
covering some very basic tenets
that imo ~ some have difficulty
comprehending .. after all NSS
comes about ~ due to shares *borrowed*
yet never *returned* <ie ftd's> ..
and as you correctly surmised ~ EXPH
doesn't and has never had ~ an issue of
toxicity where their shares are concerned

the irony to me is the toxicity that has been
created comes from those who have *never* made a
market in EXPH .. rather have manipulated expo's
stock .. from the git go

which is why ~ when the comment is made *they*
<and let's be clear .. there can be no doubt
in exph's case as to who calls the shots in
the *mm* dept on the otc/bb ... it's knight
> *make a market* .. i just laugh
since the only one guarding the hen house is
whomever is utilizing *nite* as the fox

my issue is nite allows it knowingly .. and willfully

for the past 12 months where info is *readily* available
to peruse and digest ~ what is really interesting
is nite and vert do this *tango* for months
alternating between the primary and secondary

with only two exceptions/deviations over the past 9 months ~


using just last month's *MM volume data* <august>
there are 16 MM's who made a market or traded shares of exph
the primary is NITE with 57.7% of all volume *traded*
the secondary is VERT with 20.5% of all volume traded

that is 78% done by the primary and secondary for august
leaving the *remaining* 22% divided up between the remaining
14 MM's ~

now what was *entire* volume done on exph last month? ~ 544,667,556 shares

now compare that to the volume done on that *one* record setting day last tuesday ~

9/15/09	0.0306	0.0385	0.0112	.012 412,826,191

now looking back over the past 12 months .. where does
the NSS *explode* and get beyond them .. that would be
june ..

if one notices the info for may of 2009 there is only
a difference between the 2 ~ of 2M ~ shares .. yet volume
has increased exponentially over the previous *months/s*
<for example ... in feb 09 .. only 39M~ traded> and once
again .. the bulk of the volume comes from only 2 ~ they
cover 58.5% of the month's total

May ~ Total Share Volume ~ 302,719,825
The Vertical Trading Group 89,676,627
Knight Equity Markets, L.P. 87,598,465

in june ~ etmm shows as the secondary and notice
the *increase* ~ the primary and secondary now total
86.5% of the entire month's volume ~

June ~ Total Share Volume ~ 482,990,120
Knight Equity Markets, L.P. 253,202,129
E*Trade Capital Markets Llc 164,811,639

by july ~ <CC held eom with 370M~ traded the
*week* of the CC
> nite <as the primary> now
has 4X the volume of the secondary .. and their
combined *volume* is 81.5%

July ~ Total Share Volume ~ 1,333,948,499
Knight Equity Markets, L.P. 880,148,954
E*Trade Capital Markets Llc 205,232,265

lastly august ~ <most recent data available>
*volume* has dropped dramatically from july

the primary and secondary <however> combine
for a total of 77.5%

August ~ Total Share Volume ~ 544,667,556
Knight Equity Markets, L.P. 312,777,613
The Vertical Trading Group 110,446,315


so with nite aiding and abetting via *their efforts*
or lack thereof to an NSS position in EXPH that is
growing *larger* every week ~ i'm curious what some
would have jd do ..

let's face it .. nite and palc in lockstep last
monday .. tuesday and wednesday
fought to prevent
*a fair market* being made in EXPH .. the trigger for
the run <which has obviously been *reset*> was without
a doubt the .033/.034 level .. i posted about labs on
the ask <in real time last week> and the *gyrations*
nite and palc undertook to avoid that ~

so i wonder ~ what in the world would make *nite* change
their stripes at this point in time ~ they've never made
a market in EXPH .. at least not since i've been watching
the tape
.. there have always been legit trades .. matched
or mirrored .. shorted and covered .. with shares being
swapped or funneled to other MM's who could be *cajoled*
into this toxic brew that is knight's *standard* MO ~

<like palc apparently has been this past *week* with their
*ahem* less than 20M shares done> i'm still working on lfcm

a fair market made on exph would certainly be a nice
change of pace for everyone involved .. except for whichever
piece of work ~ has *utilized* the maestro and their minions

they are going to have to cough up $$$$$ over the coming weeks
and months ~ cause some of us are not only loyal longs

but we will also be *forcing* this hand .. as we continue
to *accumulate* counterfeit shares ~

it's nite's call .. but they no longer .. call the shots

all jmo


09/22/09 11:28 PM

#43204 RE: Renee #42981

great post Renee! keep up the great work...go EXPH!


09/23/09 3:40 AM

#43225 RE: Renee #42981

I have to say that I found a post in the 250 some odd that was really worth reading.

Even though I have to disagree with you as to the out come.

There are other companies, heck some on the higher exchanges that have been fighting the NSS issue for years and never been able to get satisfaction but a new day is arising. A judge turned down a deal between BofA and the SEC told the SEC to prosecute.

So maybe there is hope that we will someday see a more even playing field in the market. Of course the OTCBB and Pinks will be the last to see the effect but at least there is some hope that rational people will prevail.