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10/01/04 8:02 AM

#69674 RE: BondGekko #69666

" think tonight he showed he will be tough on terror"

How so? I think on style he came out way ahead. He left gaping holes that Bush failed to take advantage of- BUT, his stance really has not changed.

His need for a "global test " before preemptive action doesn't sound strong to me- nuanced yes- strong no. Americans will not want their security put before a vote by France and Germany.

HIs statemnet that we shouldn't be developing bunker buster nuclear bombs- sounds weak to me. The point he made was that we can't develop the latest weapons while telling N korea and Iran that they can't have them. Again what he is doing here is creating a moral equivalence between us and Iran and N korea. There is no equivalence. Iran would gladly use thier bomb to eradicate the Jews off the face of the earth. KIm Jung Il ios a paranoid madman. Creating that kind of equivalence is weak.

Saying that we should have had another round of sanctions and more weapons inspections is incredibly weak. The UN had passed resolutions for 12 years with no effect. In fact, they were getting rich through scamming the oil for food program, so it was in their greedy self interest to prolong the current situation as long as possible. To suggest that sanctions would have worked is absurdly weak.

He can never explain adequatley why he voted for the war, then voted against funding it. HOw can you vote for holding Sadaam accountable and then criticize bush for removing him. You don't like flip flop- how about illogical inconsistency?

He has stated that the war is a mistake, yet as he was so against doing in Voetnam, he is asking for Americans to continue dying for it.

HIs repeated need for a larger coalition in Iraq is weak and a fantasy. France and Germany have stated that regardless of who is president, they will semd no troops. Rewarding these countries with reconstruction contracts is weak and counter productive. In the next situation where we need help, they won't offer any, and will expect to be rewarded afterwards with contracts.

Kerry has a long record of appeasement- from Vietnam to the cold wat to nicaragua to the war on terror. It's in his blood as a liberal- it is a weakness and it won't change.

The only real substance to his points was that he will do it better and smarter than Bush

I wish Bush had done better on pointing up Kerrys weak stance on defense over his career, he was clearly off his game. Will be interesting to see what the polls show