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07/15/02 10:08 AM

#15470 RE: Tatari Gami #15469

Unfortunately, it seems it was one of those problems that I hate.

One that I didn't cause nor can I possibly fix.

Sprint's fiber into KC was down this morning. So all of us depending on Sprint were just out of luck.

Looks like they might have it back up though. Seems zippy from my seat.

Bob Zumbrunnen

07/25/02 6:39 PM

#15774 RE: Tatari Gami #15469

Hmmmm.... Some clown, who I won't name, entered "bobsmellsfunny!" in their Message Filter. LOL

Interestingly, 5 people have (successfully) added filters so far and 3 of them put my number in. Hmmmm... Only one of those was me for testing purposes.

Edit: Nevermind. One of the others was Matt and another was a test account of mine.