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09/15/09 10:55 PM

#40412 RE: 99leadballoons #40408

I can't believe that JD had time to email me
about the idea of front mounting the panels.

Here's his response:

JD Brown
<> Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:05 PM
To: Sxxx xxxx <>

Sean you should be an inventor...We tried, but ran into "technical" difficulties...maybe in the future...Right now I've got to sell a few million of these things to put us back on track..JD


09/15/09 10:57 PM

#40413 RE: 99leadballoons #40408

no argument here, I said that weeks ago..

Posted by: fivestar Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009 9:30:43 PM


no doubt JD & company have drawn a line in the sand regarding the issue of their "new patented" product(s)..

we can spec-o-late, guess-to-mate and anti-co-pate, BUT nothing will be certain until then..

it's my opinion there is WAY too much emphasis being directed towards that one issue and the already known and verified successes have been lost in these discussions, on both sides..


09/16/09 12:40 AM

#40454 RE: 99leadballoons #40408

Somebody in Yahoo boards written the below post and I sent an email to JD asking the same,

"I don't believe the CEO anymore, he played the investors, he dumped on yesterdays raise, we'll never see it cause he won't report it."

Here is the reply from CEO:
from JD Brown <>
date Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 8:24 PM
subject RE: 10,000 store fixtures customer will be revealed with in 4 weeks. Are we still on target with this press release?

hide details 8:24 PM (3 hours ago)

Please take my advice, do not use message boards for information. They are full of lies, and a little truth mixed in. Ask your poster if they checked with the transfer agent who is not gagged to see if it was the company who sold shares. Better yet call our transfer agent and confirm for yourself. They are bound by law to be truthful to you.

We are a good company with good people behind it. We will persevere and grow shareholder value.

Respectfully, JD

Springroll - The best way to clear the doubts is to call their transfer agent and confirm. They are bound by law to be truthful to you. Please let us know what you find on this.