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09/11/09 11:31 AM


EDWARD STEVENSON, Calling the CEO is probably good advice....

...if I were putting major money in here. And I just discovered this stock yesterday. So pardon me if I appear un-informed about activities three months ago.

And I'm just not into duplicating someone else's efforts. Especially, since I never risk more than I can lose. For the modest amount of money I have to invest here, and weighed against all of my other duties that I MUST perform, it just isn't worth an hour of my time to make that call.

Maybe I'm old fashion, but I am used to asking questions of people who already know the answer, in the hope that they will share what they have learned.

I still use these forums to gather info while doing my DD. I guess some folks now view that as somewhat of an inappropriate use and get a little ticked off by preliminary questions like mine. It seems to me that most IHub forums have now been turned to the use of just pumping and hyping the stock without regard to the sharing part.

So Thanks for the sharing part. This was helpful.