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Replies to #25 on Mqurice was here
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Maurice Winn

07/12/02 7:51 PM

#28 RE: Mqurice #25

Hello Mqurice, I am the Real Maurice, a cyber refugee. I escaped from the chaos that was SiliconInvestor and find here an imposter, a genetic pretender, a Mqurice in this new sanctuary from telecosmic doom.

To prove that I am who I am, and not who I am not, I state that satellites do not fly on their photovoltaic wings; CO2 is good for the environment; Aztec metal is glorious and true; CDMA will never make enough money to return to shareholders; Q-money is bunk; and telecosm is just and only that, namely space. Oh, and not to forget, remember the Romans and their empire, although we have not had too much trouble from them lately.

Are we perhaps related, DNA or CDMA, or at least share a fascination for telecosmic this and zygote chimpoid that?

More seriously, man to man, to , another of many questions: Do you believe in the magic of coincidences? As in easy money leads to loose morals, bad investments, mania, insanity, kaboom, and then leading down to collapse. I paraphrase my idol, and chant, 'I do not know a bubble until it blows up', and therefore I am compelled to buy telecosmic whatever. I hope that Chinese and Indian valuation math will save my Q-money, and default on the Aztec coin.

Are you also a faithful of Greenspud? Perhaps you are a Disciple of Greenspin? Maybe you are a choirboy of the Maestro?

Possibly that you simply believe in anticipating the needs of the surging crowd or the single Mqurice, skip one step ahead, dive, scurry, take cover, and then lurk within the shadows, watch the crimson tsunami approach the sleepy village, quietly, through a cross-haired scope, and wait for the release of the killer hogs:0?

In any case, you stepped into that time machine, not noticing the 'Microwave Oven' lettering on the door, and got nuked to this cyber afterlife, without real and true Aztec totem for protection, and less a true and real identity.

You are thinking, 'Wait, hang on, hold on a minute, just stop right here.'

Am I sounding familiar? Are you remembering you. Perhaps a voice from the alternate spun universe in another dimension, at a different node on the temporal axis, within the matrix of booms busts and recoveries, or simply maybe and just perhaps, a voice within yourself, reminding you of what you need to do: 'buy Zimbabwe':

Check your PM on SI, now, and get hold of the magic word I have arranged for you, the key to your identity in that other universe, the code to your being in this galaxy, and access your personal profile, change the magic word, and start a post on this thread thus, "Thank you, Jay Chen, you are a wonderfully kind and generous person, always altruistically trying to save me from the financial ruins that is Q".

Oh, I tell you what, you can skip the last bit, because I will do it for you:0)

for and on behalf of Maurice Winn