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07/11/02 8:35 PM

#15291 RE: Mattu #15290

I'm running Win2K with IE 6.0 and my ISP is DSL. I have experienced momentary (about ten minutes) slowdowns only, and that was yesterday. No slow periods today at all!



07/11/02 9:11 PM

#15292 RE: Mattu #15290

Wow, Muell wrote my post for me: I'm running Win2K with IE 6.0 and my ISP is DSL. I have experienced momentary (about ten minutes) slowdowns only, and that was yesterday. No slow periods today at all! [Thanks Muell, AK]

ergo sum

07/11/02 11:13 PM

#15295 RE: Mattu #15290


With the sensitivity you express toward women and your objections to obscenity can you still tolerate this type of message on your boards:

I say Hang 'em ALL by the .......... well you know, until this terrorist mess is over with in a few hundred years. Feed em bread and water in the upside down position!

I think they now control the convience store market. I don't trust a one of them. It is high time we take our country back.


just curious
Ergo Sum

Bird of Prey

07/12/02 11:09 AM

#15302 RE: Mattu #15290

I have noticed no significant change in performance during any of the random times I access the site. Any slowdowns have been very minor and short-lived. In contrast at times things have also appeared to get slightly faster, likely the result of BZ's 'tweaks'. Granted, I'm on a DSL not a dial-up.

The Bird of Prey