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09/07/09 1:30 PM

#9672 RE: insidejob007 #9670

Doug, what is Whitney's marketing plan for Guardian in the Northeast?
He developed a one of a kind product with an enormous market. It's not that difficult introducing such a product into a marketplace. STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR HIM!

Where and who are these people promoting the product in the area? and HOW are they promoting it? are they commissioned sales people? or are they just people Nitwhit has spoken to that told him they would spread the word? is there a marketing plan? literature? advertising? anything? if so, let's hear about it.

From what I understand Nitwhit is only targetting nurseries and landscaping companies. He only wants to sell Guardian in large bulk containers. Why won't he sell smaller containers to retailers to be sold to individual homeowners??? If someone wants to buy a 1/2 gallon or one gallon container they can't.
Why not have a quart size bottle that attaches to a hose to use as a sprayer type application? I've mentioned this before and never got a response. If the reason is cost then why can't the bottling be outsourced and paid for with a cut of sales?

This is what I mean, Doug. IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT! Nitwhit makes bad decision after bad decision after bad decision and all of you pinheads that work there are too afraid to set him straight. You're nothing buy yes-men. Just agree with all of the stupid decisions that he makes and then make excuses like "it's difficult". IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT!
Why won't he listen to prox??? Why won't YOU listen to prox and at least suggest to the Nitwhit that maybe he should listen to other people trying to HELP.
If YOU want to make any money here then YOU need to get your head out of your AZZZ and stop being such a puss! Nitwhit doesn't need yes-men agreeing with his bad decisions!!!

I have dozens of relatives and friends in CT who would LOVE to
try Guardian BUT THEY CAN'T. See how friggin' RETARDED his plan is????

Btw, how are Guardian sales going? I bet it's not good. Why is that? ...oh that's right...because it's soooooooooo difficult...waahhh, waaaahhhhhhh.

Nitwhit needs someone to put a boot up his ass!! HE HAS NO CLUE WHAT HE'S DOING. NONE!

Happy Labor Day!