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09/03/09 9:37 PM

#166382 RE: ordinarydude #166379

James Traficant...........another moron. He must have bought that wig from Specter's designer. If I'm spelling his name right?....the one who murdered that young woman in his "castle", the record producer.........He's in prison camp now........I said before, I think anyone would be hard pressed to find even one elected official whose pockets weren't filled with dirt........corruption is so infused in Washington like molten lava over earth, that has just about runs its course, and its structure is not good. Power attached to money grabbers is self serving, and all we have to do is take a walk thru the last 45 years and look at where they've taken we can destroy mankind what?, 50x over, thats our great accomplishment, or the way we communicate, or orbital flying so we can learn more on how to spy, or transfer huge sums of money around the world?

This country is in trouble, all due to all these wonderful people who can only get money by 2 means to do it: Taxes, and borrowing, which the taxpayers pay, and we've all witnessed just recently how they shelled out trillions of taxpayers money to the biggest richest crooks in and outside our country...........

The US today, not only is there out of control violence from criminals and gang activity, but its very moral decay, and our leaders set fine examples don't they?. Our crumbling infrastructure has reached its 11th hour, and this is from coast to coast, some states worse than others. Instead of listening and following Eisenhowers lead, and advice, following up on its maintenance, some areas look like 3rd world countries, and worse, instead they chose wars, conquest for resources, and control, that didn't pan out as planned,spending this country into bankruptcy, just look at California.

Nothing like this can go on indefinetly without consequences. The price tag is so huge, and growing by seconds. Instead of keeping and building this country up and its people, its schools, and its communities to keep them safe, and securing our borders and securing our ports, its been involved with all the wrong things for to many years. 911 should have been a wake up call to govt, and the money changers, but instead we have been witness not only to one of the greatest implosions in history to the market, economy, and to taxpayers.

How closely tied the govt and its officials are to this corporate world, the the hedgefunds on and off shore, and their willingness to hand them money out hand over fist, in particular to Goldman Sachs, Aig, to the fraudsters, and embezzlers, and what their free markets, no hands barred brought about. All we have to do is follow their footprints for the last 40+ years, and what its led to many many times.
This time around was something very similar to the S&L scandals, but on a much much larger scale. I remember our govt telling us all that they were gonna put things in place to see this would never happen again. Yeah!!!!

The rating agencies who are suppose to be the most trusted sources for rating bonds, fair no better, just another link in the chain of corruption. Everyone appears to have a price, even the presidents, and all the presidents men.

All we have to do is turn on the news to learn of something crazier than the day before, and just like we all believed with all our safeguards and military protection, and with all the agents we have in our Intelligence Agencies that a 911 wasn't even possible, and it came from abroad.

We were also under the impression that what we witnessed just over the last 2 years weren't possible. Anyone or company, or bank involved in such corruption would without doubt be headed to prison. If Skilling wasn't the poster boy, or Kozloski, or Edwards, who now, Madoff?. The rest gets brushed under the rug, and we hear time and again the recession is over. It was just a word for all those that got bailed out or our elected officials.

They would like for nothing more than it to all go away, issuing rebates, cash for clunkers should be indicative that car prices are beyond what most can really afford. National Health Care when they can't even take care of the Vets.

Instead of the police serving as crime preventers, we have an explosion of not only crime but murder, and every unspeakable trespass imaginable.

Our streets aren't safe anymore and this should be the first indication that the police aren't capable of doing this job alone.............just what the answers are, and how to curtail it now is anyones guess?.......its been like a cancer, without treatment, and left unchecked it will surely grow, and they can't play both sides of the street, like many of our elected official do, or combat it the way we have in some of the military operations that failed with unspeakable consequences.