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09/03/09 7:05 PM

#184471 RE: risk54 #184470

I think the company can something to prevent B from happening...

pay out a divident and / or sell the company...both could already be on the horizon

but for the short term...seeing the float drastically reduced would be enough for me...

sit tight peeps
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09/03/09 7:21 PM

#184476 RE: risk54 #184470


on #2... keep in mind that spng has not relied on their share price to generate capital for ops or growth...

that is the beauty of RME...

most companies rely on the SP for this... so as a naked position 'steals' the overhead in the a/s and dilute the pps for the company, the company must then expand the a/s in order to inflate the o/s so that they can create ops or growth cash... this of course causes huge problems with the share base as they are being diluted from 2 fronts... but the company can realistically do nothing else except roll with it... the more shares they sell, the lower the pps and thus the more they have to create and sell to generate the same cash flow... a highly destructive environment...

spng however uses rme for this liquidity.... the o/s has been expanded from time to time, but really as a collateral source for an internal loan with rme... it became VERY obvious that rme holds these shares (and does NOT float them) with the release of the fy09 Q3 and a half a billion in share cancellations.

now... if the hydrophic delivery technology fails to gain a foot hold in the space, then... we would have a problem... but based on the Gianormous growth we have seen in such a short period of time... my bet is that it only gains market share from here.

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09/03/09 7:27 PM

#184483 RE: risk54 #184470

SPNG is not going to go down without pulling out every stop available. These guys are not only smart and experienced, they are also streetfighters. It's that deadly combination that the mob of NSS vultures has not run up against before now. I don't know if M&M themselves hail from the Lower East Side of NYC, but one way or another they have those cultural roots. My long-time associate came out of that background, and I can tell you this: They will not quit, and they will not take prisoners.

My favorite scene from the video of that conference in Florida is the one where Metter is explaining the potential for a disinfectant kitchen sponge. Imagine how some corporate smoothie would do it, then watch Metter: "Say yer cuttin' up a chikken..." When I saw that, I said to myself, "Self, these guys are exactly what the doctor ordered!" For me, the deal was sealed right then and there.

Nothing I've seen or heard since makes me think I was wrong about that. I also like Furth for having the same vengeful spirit and deadly focus. For a gut fight like this one, we have the Dream Team. They're going to cut up more than chicken before this is done.

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09/03/09 7:54 PM

#184510 RE: risk54 #184470

Naked Shorts for Newbies $5.00-$25.00 possible - Let me start by saying that in the OTC universe you have stumbled onto an oddity - A company with growth - earnings - no debt - massive potential -ect -ect - Today -- right now -- you are in the best possible position if you are simply holding this stock. Anything could happen - merger - uplist - nasdaq - walmart - profit PR - and oh yes an audited 10K to confirm it all ,, and end the speculation.

- I am the guy who called Bill Young and posted the 1.5 Billion shares naked number to begin with -- I was ridiculed at the time, (so was Bill) but I firmly believe the Nakeds are real and today we have 800M-1B--shares short -- this is pretty amazing when only 722M shares are supposed to exist!!----- search member spongeboy and read my prior posts - I have been posting facts on the NSS naked position mostly due to RegSHO list and Bill Young. I called Bill about the delay of the wide release of Spongebob because we missed Spongebob's birthday week on Nick and he volunteered the 1.5 Billion number without being asked . He is sure of it. I don't buy or sell without facts and this is monster bonus that most do not believe or realize. There are 20,000+/- public companies - 33 are on RegSHO list - we are one of them -nakeds are real. There is a massive short position that has to be covered when the trigger comes. I find if funny that the intelligent posts are nights and weekends - I guess the bashers are only paid to work 9-5

In response to:

Fishforbreakfast Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:08:33 PM
In reply to: spongeboy who wrote msg# 178518 Post # of 178566 [Send a link via email]
Hello, Spongeboy.. Your numbers are actually very realistic.

Events are coming to clean up the Naked Short Position and get the share structure in order. A Good Chess Player always has a good plan and is one step ahead of an opponent.

I honestly feel the Naked Short position is in the 1.5 Billion shares range. How high can the PPS go as some start to cover by choice or by force liquidation of assets used as collateral.

Remember if these Naked Shorts receive margin calls from the Broker who allowed the short sale and they do not put up more $$.. That broker will sell out any other positions they have to protect themself's first and ask questions later..

Sideline Money Institutional and Mutual Funds are watching and waiting for the Audited 10-K..The Audited numbers are needed for the Compliance Departments of these Big Money Players.

Remember this and it's very important. Most Mutual Funds and Institutional Investors are not going to buy OTCBB Stocks.
The vast majority of OTCBB stocks never make it to another bigger more respected exchange because they do not have a rock solid plan of action to get off the OTCBB Market..

However SPNG is much different.. They have a real growing rock solid business that is growing leaps and bounds. Audited Numbers says these guys are for real..

In addition, forward looking statements will address future plans. I feel this company will be trading on the Nasdaq before this year is over with.

Why because the company is for real.. They are making money and building a National following in the process.

They are going to use the leverage they have over the Naked Shorts to clean up the share structure once and for all.

The company in my opinion has a real plan that will Increase share holder value and get the float in the hands of strong minded investors who are more focused on the longer term prospects than the day to day swings in the PPS.

A future event is going to call for a share count via a Cusip Change.. Then it's over for the Naked Shorts.. Plan and simple.
The real float is gone.. Strong hands hold what the Naked Shorts are going to need..

Now the question becomes what are you willing to sell your shares for. How much temptation can you handle..

Remember the end goal. A listing on the Nasdaq.. Look at the upcoming numbers for 1st Quarter 2010.. Those projected numbers with 400 Million O/S should get the PPS in the $6-8 Range.. How high can the PPS go in a mad dash as the shorts cover. Who knows I have heard all kinds of numbers..

For now I will sit back, Trust Management to do what is right for shareholders and to gain back control over the Naked Shorts. Then you can look forward to several years of exceptional growth and earnings. All MOO.. GLTA- FFB-Fish