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09/02/09 9:43 AM

#166006 RE: PegnVA #165791

We can all control whether or not we choose to drive a vehicle, which appears to be causing on the surface at least global warming......... gas emissions also destroys air quality. The noxious poisons released are not only cancerous but deadly if vehicles are running within enclosed areas.

Think of the food items we purchase, and how petroleum plays a role, in particular plastics. We have a choice.

How many cases of cancer involve people who have never smoked a pipe, a cigar, a cigarette, or chewed, or dipped?. Leukemia effects young children who have never had a chance at life, and many from parents who have never smoked.

People get emphysema never smoked, nor lived in a home of a smoker. I guess the point I'm making is that there are alot things we can't control, but when the govt gets into the lives of non criminal Americans telling people what they should eat, not eat, or impose restrictions on those who want to go to a saloon for a drink and smoke we are allowing them to step over the bounds to what little freedoms most of should be able to enjoy..........think of the irony that you have to be 21 to drink a beer, but when it comes to the service of the military, and many were drafted at 18, are trained to kill, and die if duty.......on the other end of this the govt is in discussions of legalizing drugs which alters normal brain function, and many deranges the mind, taxing soft drinks, taxing dairy farmers for the gases that their cows emit, taxing smokes to a level that forces people to quit may just open the door to more people becoming obese...........Its terrible yes, and for many a people we see you would think they are trying to eat the planet of all its food...........being a glutton is a sin if you believe in what the Bible says about it, and today many don't fast in this country, even for a few days now and then.......and this helps to cleanse the body. Most people know over eating is bad, look at Kirstie Alley who went from 135lbs to 300, maybe more, or Liz Taylor, or Marlon Brando, John Candy, just to give some perspective.

Something will take the place of it for many.
Instead of the smokes, it will be donuts, candy, gum, or 6 meals a day instead of 2.........who knows?, but the issues here are not whether you and I drop dead today, or tomorrow, they care less, its about what the plan is for Nationalized Health Care, and how to prevent people from wanting to see a doctor, or need to, if all the baby boomers would drop dead the govt benefits.

Hitler was a non smoker and attributed his rise to power from he giving it up, and he got on a campaign in Germany to outlaw it for the growth of the aryan babies who were to be the future Nazi Regime. Franco, as well as Mussolini were non smokers, unlike FDR, Churchill, and Stalin. Hitler believed that this would help him and they to function in power in such a way due to this that would be advantageous to them winning the war.

In short of it I see this govt today as having their heads up their rear ends so far that they can't see the light for the forest. The real issues at hand is something that they've ignored for last 45 years, and was hit head on with the problems during the early 70's.............they chose to use the working American people thru enslaving us to their wars after Eisenhower for corporatism, they are in the service afterall to Wall Street, and Lobbyist alike. Like the Monarchy of England who really saw its people(subjects) who worked as tools for taxes, and we don't have to look to far to see how they lived in comparison to those in power, the English lords, noblemen????, the blue bloods. What a sham today when the general public in England in particular the old do without, when taxes are still being use to support those like Prince Charles.......prior and during WW2 King Edward, and his wife were Nazi Sympathizers, who believed in what Hitler was doing and what he was all about in the face of Parliment, his people, and the world..........but yet we saved his butt so he could live in a life of luxury.

Peg one day the American people will awake and say,"I get it!"...........or the hope is we all will?. We have more problems right here at home, more than we can even begin to face, and as big if not bigger than everyone having healthcare................the problem is the govt is as corrupt as the day is long, and I doubt that there is even one politician who isn't dirty?.............the question is?, what will it take to force those who are given those positions to live up to the duties they were really elected for?, and that would be to the service of this nation and its people, and not to be self-serving, and not the high rollers, not Wall Street, not Lobbyist, not the Hedgefunds, the rich and super wealthy, all to some degree have a much larger voice because they want an advantage over the average American who elected them to serve to do the right things.......