no one <imo> is counting chickens they are taking in what jd said on the CC .. and digesting it ..
he clearly states .. what is what in regards to prohibitive freight charges .. necessitating in licensing agreements .. and product being manufactured overseas <obviously to stay competitive and impact the bottom line>
that said .. none of us know what is going to be *launched* on the 15th and what details will be articulated
this conversation will be a lot easier to have on 9/16 .. ;-)
ANY company that establishes PRIOR ART simultaneously to a patent application has all rights to enforcing the patent against patent infringement , even a few years later upon patent approval .
Patent Pending status is powerful just because of the international regard for PRIOR ART .
Licencing the processes and specifications to foreign companies is essentially FREE MONEY because the owner of the pending patent doesn't have to invest any of the manufacturing costs and is paid a royalty just on the processes and specifications alone . Logically , the owner of a pending patent in the country of origin would ALSO need to apply for identical patents in the countries of origin of the licencees . EXPO Holdings would need to apply for identical patents in any country they plan to licence their proprietary product(s) .